Monday, February 15, 2021

Lovely Party- Part 2 Declarations of Love

Welcome back!  It's time for.....
*drumroll, please*

Today we have a list of some of our favorite "declarations of love" movie scenes!

  What constitutes a "declaration of love", you may ask?  Well, for us this means any scene where a character expresses his or her feelings of love to or about their love interest, whether for the first time, or in reaffirmation.

{Katherine's Comments will be in RED}
{Grace's will be in BLUE}


1) Edward Ferris & Elinor Dashwood

[Sense and Sensibility]

This is the only video of Edward's proposal that we could find and it's not the best, but we couldn't not include this couple so just fill in the blanks where needed!  

I just love this scene!  It's just so sweet.  Here Elinor has been so miserable on her own, trying to be happy for Edward's imminent marriage, and then finally, when she resolves herself that he's not the one for her, he shows up and announces himself quite free!  Aghh!!  And then he tells her how long he's loved her, but why he couldn't tell her.....and....will she marry him????

2) Tzitel & Motel 

[Fiddler On The Roof]

I ADORE Motel and Tzitel! And when Motel overcome's his fears to stand up for his love AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

This scene is just.....wonderful!  I love Motel's timid sincerity as he states his case before Tevye and then rises to the occasion to tell his future father-in-law why he's a good match for Tzitel!  Oh, it's a wonderful dialogue!

3) Alfie Arlis & Minnie

[Lark Rise to Candleford] 

Minnie is the purest little lump of goodness and she found the perfect match in Alfie! I love that line, "I am yearnin' for him and he is yearnin' for me",
*goes off sobbing* 

4) Cosette & Marius

[Les Miserables]

I have one word for you.....

🎝'Just one look and I knew.....I KNEW IT, TOO'🎜

(actually, that's 10 words, but who's counting?)

Eeek!  I adore this part of Les Mis!

5) Emma Woodhouse & Mr. Knightley


'I find....I do not know what to think'........
(sighs dramatically)

6) Prince Henry & Danielle de Barbirac 

[Ever After]

Oh my word, I love this movie so much!!!! And Prince Henry's proposal? Where are my smelling salts, I'm about to swoon!!

Oh, come now, Grace, you're not really going to...(hears loud thud)...Agh!  Grace!! Grace? GRACE?!  Hill!  HILL!  Fetch some water immediately!

7) Prince Albert & Queen Victoria

[The Young Victoria]

This scene is so touching!  Albert was the only one rooting for Victoria's success, while Victoria's own mother was interested only in controlling her daughter's power as Queen.

8) Amy Dorrit & Arthur Clennem via John Chivery
[Little Dorrit]

Poor dear sweet John! He deserved better! This scene is so emotional I'm gonna cry!

Katherine -

9) Grace O'Malley & Tiernan

[The Pirate Queen]

Grace and Tiernan are such a testament to lasting love and commitment. If you haven't listened to this musical, stop right now and save it to listen to later. It is AMAZING!

10) Anne Elliot & Frederick Wentworth


Oh, this love story is so heart-wrenching........but in a good way!  This scene was done just beautifully with Anne reading Frederick's letter, and then running, trying to catch the him to tell him.....*sniff, sniff* tell him.......*sniff, sniff*......she loved him too!!  Oh, it's just too delightful!

11) Demelza & Ross


This was one of the best Poldark moments!  The poor thing in love with a good for nothing, stubborn, bullheaded, proud, Ross and then he FINALLY realizes what a treasure she is.......and how much he in fact is in love with her!

12) Fanny Price & Nick Arnstein

[Funny Girl]

This song is sung after Fanny and Nick are already married, and when they are going through a VERY rough patch. It is Fanny's reiteration of her love and willingness to stand by her husband and I think it's just beautiful and was crying from the start! Fanny, you dear, wonderful, beautiful thing!!! Yes, you stand by your man and let him know that you won't let him go! Barbara Streisand has such an amazing voice!

13) Mia & Nicholas
[Princess Diaries 2]

Ah yes, the ever perfect response to a declaration of love... 
"Do you have a chicken for my table?"
Just keep that in mind ladies and gents!!!

And we reach the end......alas!

So what are your favorite confessions of love? Have you seen any of the scenes from our collection?

Do tell us in the comments!

See you soon for Part 3!

Katherine &Grace


  1. Ahem. I sense this post is lacking in one respect....

    Anne's declaration of love to Gilbert is missing.

    1. Ah, yes, we did miss that one :) :) Funny, it completely slipped my mind!

    2. HOW DID WE FORGET THAT ONE??? It's so wonderful!

  2. Tzitel & Motel! Love them. <3 Wentworth and Anne are perfect. Demelza and Ross have a great moment there (though *cough* I agree with the words that you crossed out, Katherine...)

    One of my favorite declarations of love is in Meet Me In St. Louis! R+W. <3

    1. Hee, Hee, thank you, MovieCritic! Yes!! We so wanted to include the St. Louis one, but couldn't find a clip for it! Too bad - that one is so hilarious - 'I LOVE YOU'!!

    2. Ha! Yes, Ross is an... interesting character! Oh, Meet Me In St. Louis is one of our favorite movies!
