Thursday, February 11, 2021

Our Lovely Blog Party Contribution Part 1

Hello dear ones! Katherine and I are very excited to share that we are participating in Cordy's Lovely Blog Party!  
*Katherine claps hands with glee while Grace properly dances the minuet*  
For our contributions, we decided to write a 3 part post sharing our favorite first meetings, declarations of love, and weddings of movie couples!! 
So here we are with...

We hope you have as much fun reminiscing over these scenes as we did while gathering them!

{Katherine's comments are in RED}

{Grace's are in BLUE}


1) Danielle De Barbarac & Prince Henry

[Ever After]

This is such a fun first meeting!  You were just minding your own business and then this strange, rather beautiful courtier, who you've never seen before, just calls your bluff right before all your subjects!

2) Lucy Preston & Wyatt Logan


Oh, man - seeing this clip just made me want to watch this show again so bad!  I love this little back and forth between Wyatt and Lucy with the "Yes, Ma'am", "No, Ma'am", all the while, he's not opening up his eyes.  And then that smile when he does......aghhh!!

3) Princess Mia Thermopolis & Lord Nicholas Devereaux

[Princess Diaries 2]

(Honestly, their second meeting is where they really meet each other, so here is that one too! )

I have to say.....the second video is my favorite!  "She's training to be a flamingo dancer"! :) :)

4) Vera Britton & Roland Leighton
[Testament of Youth]

When better to meet the handsome stranger who will become your beloved than when you've just declared that you will never marry?

5) Rapunzel & Flynn Rider


When will this scene ever cease to be the best first meeting ever? NEVER!! Such a classic!

6) Anne Wheeler & Phillip Carlyle
[The Greatest Showman]

I wish we could have found a more complete clip of this moment, but even so, I really like this first meeting!  How cool is the time lapse????  Eeek!

7) Kathy Seldon & Don Lockwood

[Singing in the Rain]

Grace and I quote from this all the time! This scene is a wonderfully creative way to get these two characters to meet!  And their banter is simply hilarious!

 8) Anne Shirley & Gilbert Blythe

[Anne of Green Gables]

What can I say, this is a classic?  How could we not include this scene?

9) Michaela Quinn & Byron Sully

[Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman] 

Oh, this one is so cool!  Did you ever think that you'd meet your someone when he almost maims you with his tomahawk in the general store?  And then he continues to make you feel at ease by staring you down with the hardest stare in history?

10) Margret Hale & John Thornton

[North and South]

Isn't this just great??  I mean.....aghh!  The music.....and then she sees him up there on the platform...thinks she might like the look of this guy....and then her hopes crash when she finds out he enjoys beating his employees up when he gets bored.  Too bad...he seemed like such a nice guy.  :) :)

11) Elizabeth Bacon & George Armstrong Custer

[They Died With Their Boots On]

This scene!! The music just adds to the awkward situation and Errol Flynn's facial expressions are just golden!


Have you seen any of these? Which ones did we miss? What are some of your favorite first meetings?

See you soon for Part 2!

Katherine and Grace


Bonus- First Meeting of the Family!

12) The Seymour Family & The Kirby Family

[You Can't Take It With You]

I will be honest with you, I would LOVE to marry into this family!!! If this ever happens to me when I meet my future in-laws, I will jump right in and start dancing!!


  1. I LOVE this post!! And you have so many great picks in this bunch!!
    And I didn't know you knew Dr. Quinn!! :D :D
    Thank you for your post, ladies!

    1. Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I have a like/hate relationship with Dr. Quinn, but the series certainly has it's good moments! Do you have a favorite character from the show?

    2. Thank you so much, Cordy!! We had a lot of fun putting this together!
      Yes, I like Doctor Quinn! I especially enjoy the first few seasons!! Who are your favorite characters?

    3. Grace, I totally understand where you're coming from with Dr. Quinn. There are still episodes and parts of the show, that are very difficult for me to really "love".
      To answer both of your questions, I actually liked that the show had realistic characters to the point that I'm not sure I have a "favorite" character really. There are things that I loved but also had trouble with, with each character. They had equal pros and cons to their characters. Does that make sense? And I will also say I preferred the earlier episodes.

  2. LYATT!!! Out of all the entries on this fantastic list, Wyatt & Lucy (their banter and chemistry is just so brilliant, and I love how 'Ma'am' goes on to become their own little private thing!), Mia & Nicholas (The 'You can step on my foot anytime' line does make me melt just a bit every time!), and Anne & Phillip (the slow-motion is everything in this one, like time has actually stopped for them when they see each other for the first time... *dreamysigh*) are definitely my favourites... I also very much enjoyed reading your absolutely spot-on comments :)

    Oh, and I can't forget to mention that every time I see anything to do with Tangled, my mind always goes straight to Captain Swan from Once Upon a Time (who have a rather intense first meeting of their own, haha!) But speaking of Once, Snow & Charming actually have several really great meet cutes too, and I do love when Regina meets Robin in Storybrooke for the first time as well!

    Lastly, I'd also LOVE to know how you enjoyed what they did with Lyatt in S2 & the wrap-up film, as well as what your favourite time period is that they travelled to/favourite episodes are?

    1. Whooo! Another Lyatt fan!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post!
      Yes, Once does have some good first meetings... and some very sad goodbyes!
      I am a big Flynn fan so I am still upset at how they ended his storyline; for weeks afterward my sister and I would just randomly look at each other and wail "FLYNN!!!!". I very much approve of Lucy and Wyatt getting together in the end and their girls are so cute! I was crying all through that Time After Time wrap up video though, lol!
      I loved the WW1 episode where Lucy and Wyatt are reunited, the Puritans one was awesome (mainly because of Flynn!), and the episodes where they meet Bonnie and Clyde and Ian Flemming are really fun too. Oh, and the Alamo... there's too many good episodes!!!! What were your favorite episodes/times?

    2. YAY, another Once fan!! Do you have a favourite ship/season, and do you acknowledge S7, or view S6 as the true series finale?

      I do agree it's rotten that Flynn didn't end up getting his family back (I would have also LOVED to have seen Amy's reaction/opinion on Wyatt), but on the whole felt that for the short time-frame they were given, they were able to wrap things up pretty impressively. And yes, Time After Time was a GENIUS choice (though it's also a song I personally will always associate with Strictly Ballroom, haha!)

      Those are awesome episodes picks!! I would have to say that The Alamo is my #1 overall, but I do love the Ian Fleming & the WW1 reunion episodes too (her little jump hug when she realizes it's him... so cute and cathartic, haha!), as well as the Space Race episode, and Hollywoodland *hearteyes* (except for the last few minutes, of course... drat you Jessica!!)

    3. Thank you so much, Kristy! So glad you liked it! Yes, that line of Nicholas' is so sweet, and Philip and Anne's slow motion moment is so cool! Ok, I've never seen Once Upon a Time, so you have me at a disadvantage! :) :)

      Yay, you're a Timeless fan!! (AND a LYATT fan too - Eeek!! I love Lucy and Wyatt! (and the "Ma'am thing too :)
      I am trying to remember S2 details - it's been awhile now since I've watched it. I loved how Rufus was pushing Wyatt to admit he had feelings for Lucy, when she'd gone missing in the Pilot of S2 :) And I loved how they finally "got together" in the Hollywood episode (aside from the, ahem, you know...) And then of course they HAD to bring back Jessica JUST as they'd gotten together! Agh! Wyatt had just opened his heart again (and honestly, they really ruined Jessica's character by making her a member of Rittenhouse)! But I was very glad that Lucy stood firmly in not coming between Jessica and Wyatt, despite her feelings. (I HIGHLY support that choice!) As far as the Wrap-Up video, I really am so happy that they created an ending for us when they decided not to continue the show (I mean how nice was that? Why don't they do that on every discontinued show?) I do remember feeling like Wyatt and Lucy's "coming back together" in the end of the wrap up video wasn't as great as I felt it should have been. I just thought it should have been more emotional or something than what it was. But don't get me wrong - it was still a happy ending! I really like how Lucy's father helped to bring down Emma and save Lucy. But FLINN - WHY DID THEY MAKE HIM DIE??? That was so sad and I still don't get why that had to happen!

      Ok, favorite episodes/time travel eras: My favorite episodes were the Hollywood one, The Salem Witch Trial one, the Bonnie & Clyde episode, The Benedict Arnold one, the S2 Pilot episode....I'm really wanting to re-watch Timeless now! :) :) The Hollywood and Bonnie and Clyde episode eras were especially fun! (I love the WW 2/Great Depression time periods!

    4. Well, I'm not really a Once fan, I've seen enough clips on YouTube to get the jist of whats going on and it looks interesting, but I haven't seen any episodes! What's your favorite ship/season?
      I agree, they did a great job wrapping up all the loose ends and YES I would have loved to Flynn's reunion with his family!
      Oh, I forgot about the Space Race one and I second your Hollwoodland *hearteyes*! Yeah, throwing in Jessica REALLY complicated things, but hey, you gotta have that drama!

    5. Katherine: Rufus is TOTALLY the Captain of USS Lyatt... love his conversations with Wyatt about Lucy in the WW1 episode too, as well as when he told Lucy in the wrap-up film about those conversations and how Wyatt handled not knowing where or how she was when they were stuck in the bunker. I also completely agree with your thoughts on Jessica & Lucy's father (especially considering the fact he was one of the first big bads from Rittenhouse that was introduced!), and about loving things set in the early-to-mid 1900s time periods!

      And yes, it's fantastic when a gone-too-soon show is allowed the chance to give it's audience closure (Forever and Unforgettable are just two of the many shows I will forever mourn that did not get that opportunity... ah well).

      Grace: The ship fondly known as Captain Swan (Emma Swan & Killian Jones aka Captain Hook) are in my opinion the best thing about Once, and despite several disappointments in how they handled certain storylines and characters overall, I will be forever grateful for this show because it gave us them. Snowing (Snow & Charming) are a VERY close second however, as well as one of the major reasons I first fell in love with Once, and Outlaw Queen (Regina 'Evil Queen' Mills & Robin Hood) definitely take third place. As for my favourite season, it's a tie between 4 & 5, with 3 & 1 coming in just behind them :)

  3. So many iconic moments! I haven't seen all of these movies shows, I need to try Timeless and that vintage one.

    1. Ooh, yes - Timeless is SOOO GOOOD! (Does have some stuff, so be forewarned:)

    2. Oooh! Tell us what you think if you do try them!

  4. I LOVE the meeting of Don and Kathy! Best meet cute ever. The ones in Tangled and The Greatest Showman are precious, too! Great choices, girls!

    1. It is so so funny! And yes, I love the Tangled, and Greatest Showman one too! Thanks so much!

    2. Poor Kathy! I probably would have crashed my car if a random stranger jumped into it! Thanks so much!
