Wednesday, June 30, 2021

In which Plumfield comes to Green Gables...

"When can we go in the pool?"

"Later this afternoon."

"Can I have some milk?"

"How do you ask politely?"


"You sure can."

     My brother, Sherlock's boys, Shay and Joel, were over for the day.  The pool, having been recently declared "opened for the season" by our Dad, was currently the main attraction at our house.  Both youngsters were eagerly waiting to get the pool party started, but today it was rather busy at Green Gables.  "There is a list of things we need to get done before we can take you swimming," we told them," The list is on the dry erase board in the entryway; once you see everything on it crossed off, then it will be time to go in the pool!"

 "Savtah, can we go to the science fair?"

"I think it would be best to wait for a better day, Sweets. Why don't we plan to go when they've opened all their displays back up?"

"Well, I'd just really like to go to the science fair."

"I know, honey, but today is not really the best day, but I promise I will take you next time."

     Time passed, and Shay, the eldest of the two, with a love for organization, went to the board and asked if there was anything to be checked off?  Unfortunately, his Aunts were taking quite a long time completing their list, and only a few items could be checked off.  Shay helped me mix up a batch of energy balls,  and into the fridge they went to firm up before shaping.

"Are the cousins going to come over today?"

"No, not today, I'm afraid."

Lunch came, and after making them a Quesadilla/PB & J Roll-up, the phone rang.  It was Dad.  He said that if it was alright with Mom, he was going to bring home RJ, and Z-Man, Jane's older two, to come swim for the afternoon!...The day had just taken a whole new turn!

"Ok, guys, that was Pop on the phone and he is bringing home two surprises!"

"What are they?"

"You'll be surprised when they get here!"

     Thirty minutes later, the surprises arrived, complete with a newly acquired snorkel mask in tow!  Shay took Z-Man over to the list and began to explain the state of the union to his cousin, i.e. the pool situation.  The house was suddenly filled with young voices, permeating the ongoing business of the kitchen.  It just struck me of how wonderful a thing it was that our day was unexpectedly "invaded" by these four boys, so excited to be together, all united for one common goal...having fun in the pool!

"I can't find my swimsuit!"

"Why don't you go check in the truck?"

     The chore list got smaller and smaller and finally Grace, with a gaggle of boys in tow, started the pool party!  I finished up my project and started drying my ever high pile of dishes.  Mom soon bid me go assist in the pool so off I went to don my bathing suit and into the watery depths I plunged...or rather inched my way into, exclaiming the entire time over how cold the water was until I stood quite bravely on my tippy toes.

"RJ, remember, we can't splash!  Not everyone in the pool wants to be be splashed."

"Got it, got it."

     Soon I was enveloped and became one of "the group", as we played various games ranging from the ever popular "Marco Polo", to "Duck Duck Swim", to "let's make a whirlpool by all swimming in a line around the edge"!  I also pulled out one of my personal favorites, which is to grab a random child, and carry them off to the fateful "French Fry Island" to be eaten!  This time, however, the nephews joined in and started procuring their own "french fries" to be taken off.  And I am now in fear of my life. We even discovered "Oreo Island", and carried off the black boogie board (a piece of Oreo Island) to snack on as we left it's shores.  Needless to say we had a blast!  What was even funnier was when the propane delivery man arrived to fill our tank...4 feet away from the pool!

🎶 " 'Hakuna Matata.' "

" 'It means no worries.' "

" 'Hakuna Matata.' " ðŸŽ¶

     Eventually, it was time to get out and we all sat down to dry off at the picnic table.  I went inside to change so this next part was told to me via Grace who was an eyewitness to the affair.  Z-Man wanted to go check the minnow trap, so he, RJ, and Joel went off to find Pop.  Shay at first wanted to stay behind, but eventually he asked Grace if they could go catch up with the throng.  They found Pop and the boys by the stream, checking the trap.  Dad (Pop) told Grace secretively that he wanted to take the boys swimming in the upper pond where they were going to take the minnows.  This would be their first time braving our pond over the pool, so Dad was going to be real easy going about it and see if he could coax them in.  After gathering the boys from the stream where they were wading, up they all went in the four by four to the hay field.  Upon reaching the pond, the minnows were released and Dad dove off the dock, disappearing into the water.  His head pooped up out and he assured the boys that there was nothing to be afraid of and they should come in.  RJ was up for the challenge, but was still scared, so he asked Pop if they could jump in together.  Hand in hand, they both ran off the dock and jumped.  Joel followed suit, jumping off solo, and Shay and Z-Man climbed down the dock's ladder to join Pop and RJ.  They all had a ball, diving off the dock and swimming.  Dad would challenge them to aim their dives to a certain spot, and off they jumped.  They were true country boys now....well, all except for their dislike of the pond's muddy bottom.  Grace said to Dad, 'They're never going to want to swim in the pool again!'

"Can I have some milk?"

"We're having water tonight."

"I don't like my veggies raw; only cooked!"

"Well, we have raw this time."

     Everyone was back at the house, Sherlock had arrived for dinner, and four boys were all showered!  (We had one boy in each of the three showers in our house!  It was like someone just fast forwarded in time and I had a glimpse of the boys as teenagers...maybe that sounds strange, but that was just what it made me think of.)  Dinner was being grilled by Dad and Sherlock and since the barbecue chicken was taking longer, Mom decided to just serve the boys their already grilled hot dogs while we were waiting.  There they were, Shay, Joel, RJ, and Z-Man all together around the table on benches, with their dinner plates.  What a picture.  Four boys.  Boys I used to rock to sleep, make funny faces for, fill their sippy cups.  Now they are helping me collect the chicken eggs, roll out cookies, put away dishes.  Now they are holding conversations with one another, sharing their own opinions about what they think.  All I can say is that I am so blessed to have them.  They make me laugh, they make me cry.  They frustrate me, they teach me.  I'm so glad I'm their aunt and that I have these boys in my life.


Aunt Katherine