Thursday, April 8, 2021


Have you ever wished that you could be Anastasia, singing "In a Crowd of Thousands" opposite Dmitri??  Or Marion Paroo, pouring out your hopes and dreams in "My White Knight"?  No, wait! What about Eponine and her heart-wrenching "On My Own"??  Or Esther's exciting "The Trolley Song"?  Or Christine's "All I ask of you" duet with Raoul?  Or Margy's melancholy "It Might as Well be Spring"? 

Or, Or, Or....

Well, we are about to make your singing dreams come true!  It gives me great pleasure to announce that Grace and I are hosting our first Musical Karaoke Party and you are All invited!!  We are calling it......


*happy dance*

  This party is going to be set for two weeks (hence the fortnight in the title) starting on May 23 and ending June 6 and will be an event to share your own covers of your favorite musical numbers and have loads of fun while doing it!

There will be games, a tag, and to wrap up the whole party, there will be a *ahem* very special and secretive post by yours truly!

The Rules & Gruesome Details:

- All song submissions must be family-friendly, free of language, innuendo, and anything else of an inappropriate nature. Bottom line, don't choose a song you wouldn't feel comfortable singing or playing in front of YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY and we are talking

Your Mom

Your Dad

Your Brothers

Your Sisters

Your Grandmother

Your Grandfather

Your eccentric relatives

If you find yourself in doubt over a certain song, bear on the side of caution and please make another choice.

- Duplicates are perfectly acceptable - if that's the song then that's the song!

- Multiple posts/songs are perfectly acceptable HIGHLY WELCOME for this party!!

- Just have fun - don't stress whether your recording sounds perfect - we can tell you ours won't be!  Just enjoy yourself!

Are you excited yet??  Well, what are you still doing here?

Go get that microphone dusted off, scour the internet for your karaoke tracks, commandeer your unsuspecting family members and friends

(the suspecting ones, too),

share the party button on your blogs to spread the joyous news, and lets get ready to sing together!!

You know that 🎜 it's a grand time for singing 🎝!



Katherine & Grace