Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Lilly @Dignified Girl Tagged us!!

Good morning, dears! 

We are here today, answering a tag from Lilly Shyree @Dignified Girl! Thanks so much for tagging us, Lilly! Beth (@Beth In Boots), bless her heart, is hosting a giveaway and answering this tag will gain two entries!  (See details on Beth's post).  The cutoff date is Friday the 19th at midnight, so do hasten over to her blog and enter!!

Tag Rules:

~Link back to Beth In Boots

~Include a few sentences saying that Beth in Boots is doing a giveaway over on her blog and such.

~Include the giveaway image (this is actually optional. If you don't want to, you don't have to.)

~Tag at least 2 blogger friends

~Answer the questions!

~Have fun!

Ok.....to ze questions!

Katherine's Answers

 1) If you could spend one week in a TV show, what would it be?  This is kind of hard...., but I'm going to pick Avonlea!  

I just love the Road to Avonlea series and I'm due for a re-watch soon! The Edwardian fashion is so lovely and there's always something fun and exciting going on!

#2 What is your favorite Period Drama Movie or TV Show? 

 Oh, dear - there are so many good ones!!  Agh....I can't pick!  I'm not really a person who has favorites, so I'll just pick one....or two that I really like!  

By the Light of the Silvery Moon

I love this movie - the Winfield household is so much fun, and the characters' dialogue is hilarious!

What's not to love about this Mini-Series?? You've got sorrow, comedy, wit, more sorrow (just kidding), and it's just a very fun watch!  It's even better now that we've seen it before and can anticipate our favorite parts while watching together.

#3 What is your favorite Movie Soundtrack? Hmmmm....*asks Grace*....I really, really, really love the themes from Sense and Sensibility (2008).  I was so distraught to find there was no soundtrack to procure (How could you do this to me, BBC?), but then I found a CD called A Piano at Pemberly on Hoopla, that had a cover of the main theme on it! Happy day!!  So if any of you love the music like I do, the CD is probably on Amazon.  But for now.....the real thing:

Some other favorite soundtracks are Leap YearNo Reservations, and The Inheiritance

(I couldn't find a specific playlist on the last one, so just know it's the first 3 videos on the YouTube search link above) 

#4 What is your favorite Bible verse?   

I'm going to go with Mathew 11:28-30.  I love this verse: “Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is comfortable, and My burden is light.”

#5 Which Sketch Lovely drawing ($30 or less) would you pick if you won the giveaway?  I could probably pick several, but this one is my favorite: Pride & Prejudice Illustration. (I know it's $5 over, so maybe I could pay the difference if I won?)

Grace's Answers

#1 If you could spend one week in a TV show, what would it be?

There are a few, but I'll go with Timeless

Time travel, people! History, people! 

And a fun and awesome team who have each others backs!

Yes, there's the danger and death and people shooting at you...

I'll risk it!!

#2 What is your favorite Period Drama Movie or TV Show?

It's a tie between Testament of Youth

& The Finest Hours

I love them both dearly!

#3 What is your favorite Movie Soundtrack?

Again, I can't think of just one! Paddington 2 is a lot of fun and quite sweet, Quigley Down Under is terribly exciting and action-y and How The West Was Won has the most beautifully stirring choral arrangement of "I'm Bound For The Promised Land"!

#4 What is your favorite Bible verse?

Psalm 18

Romans 8: 35-39

James 4: 7-10

#5 Which Sketch Lovely drawing ($30 or less) would you pick if you won the giveaway?

I am rather partial to the Fiddler on the Roof one, but it's over the price range and this one is just as darling!!

We tag:

MovieCritic @Movies Meet Their Match

Miss Woodhouse @Notes of a Hartfield Girl

Well ,there you have it! Now make haste all ye out there, and run over to Beth's blog and enter the giveaway!

Ta ta for now!

Katherine & Grace


  1. Aww! This was so fun to read! You both just received 5 more entries each! Yay!

  2. Yay!! I love all your answers. I really want to see Testament of Youth. I'm curious, how clean is it? (Language, sexuality, etc?) I had heard of it but didn't know much about it. I love WW1 era a lot and it looks really sweet. I don't usually watch anything if it has more than mild language or some kissing so I was wondering.

    1. I totally understand what you mean! From what I can remember, there wasn't too much bad language ( I can't really remember anything, off the top of my head), there is kissing and war violence and when Vera becomes a nurse, there is a scene of her giving a soldier a sponge bath, but you only see his chest. I don't know where you like to look at reviews, but here is a site that is my second go to after Plugged In which doesn't have a review on this particular movie...
      I hope that helps and if you do decide to watch it, let me know what you think!

    2. Thank you, Lilly! Thanks for tagging us - it was fun!
