Thursday, March 26, 2020


(Grace & Katherine's Parlor)

(Rain is sprinkling the parlor windows. Grace is lounging with a book on the settee. Katherine is sitting on the opposite settee, delightedly draining a chocolate milkshake)

Katherine- (setting down spoon on coffee table) You know, Grace....perhaps we should do something extra fun on our blog. [bites down on cherry with a resounding loud chew, making Grace (who has sensitive ears) glare at her]

Grace- Such as? (flips page)

Katherine- Well, like a Blog Party or a Read-Along, or a Challenge of some sort.  (stirs shake with her straw)

Grace- (looking up) A Read-Along might be fun. (flips another page)

Katherine- (licking hot fudge from straw)  But what book would we do?

Grace- (closes book) We probably should put forth a few titles for everyone to choose from. (stretches, then curls up into the corner of the settee)

Katherine- (puts straw back into milkshake and sips)  That's a good idea!  Well, "Hope was Here", by Joan Bauer has to be on the list!

Grace- Definitely!  That's such a good book! (unfolds blanket and spreads it over herself)  What about "The Blue Castle", by L.M. Montgomery?

Katherine- That would certainly force me to read it.

Grace- (accusing) Since you seem to be incapable of pleasing your sister and reading it on your own!  

(Katherine glares at Grace over milkshake)

Grace- Well, it's true!

Katherine- I refuse to confirm or deny any and all accusations! (loudly slurps from straw)  But yes, let's include "The Blue Castle".

Grace- Perhaps with the new Emma movie that just came out (Katherine audibly snorts)....that just came out, people would be interested in reading "Emma".

Katherine- If only to calm their quaking insides once they've watched it!  (licks straw again)

Grace- (glaring) Katherine, it's a well known fact that you don't approve of the new movie, which is rather amusing since you haven't even seen it!

Katherine- (emphatic) I don't need to see it to know it will be terribly horrid compared to the beloved 2008 version!

Grace- (assuming Crutchie accent/quote) 'Well, you don't gotta be insultin!'

Katherine- Fine.  But, that's is a good idea to include "Emma" in the book list. (picks up spoon off coffee table)

Grace- (tucking blanket around herself) Good......what else?  Ooh, how about "Ivanhoe", by Sir Walter Scott?

Katherine- (un-enthusiastically) Do we have to? (starts tapping spoon against milkshake glass) Although, if you get to include Ivanhoe, then I should get to include "Anne of Avonlea", by L.M. Montgomery!

Grace- Very well.

Katherine- (still tapping) Well, that makes five books - that's a good amount of options, don't you think?

Grace- Yes!  I guess we should now--Katherine!  Will you cut out the TAPPING!!???

(Katherine jumps, dropping her spoon loudly into the cup)

Grace- (sighing) We should now present the book list for everyone to vote on.  Whichever book gets the most votes - that's the book we will be reading for the Read-Along!

Katherine- Perfect.  How about we plan to read two chapters of the winning book a week, and then we'll do a recap/summary post with the highlights of what happened and everyone can discuss their favorite parts, their thoughts, grievances with characters, etc.

Grace- Sounds perfect. (reaching for a cushion)

Katherine- Great....(getting up) Well, I'm going to make some you want some?

Grace- Certainly!  Thank you.


(Librarian's Office)

(Librarian and Sidney at Librarian's desk, listening to the above exchange over the new listening device Sidney planted in Katherine & Grace's parlor last week)

Librarian- (putting down her nail file) Well, Sidney, you heard them.  Get it all in writing and post it on the blog.

Sidney- (confused) All of it?

Librarian- Of course!  

Sidney- But I thought we were just interfering when they didn't post on their blog?  They are talking about a post right now!

Librarian- And does it sound like they are going to get around to it any time soon? Grace is going for a nap, and Katherine's making tea! If you want something done right, do it yourself! Make sure it's out today. (Librarian pushes out her chair from desk, leaving)
And, just to be clear, we are not interfering - we are simply preventing a catastrophe before it happens.

Sidney- (under his breath) Even if it never happens.

Librarian- What was that?

Sidney- (quickly) Nothing. (grabbing pencil and pad and running after Librarian)  But, Ma'am, d-d-don't you think we should ask Katherine and Grace if they are ok with all of that dialogue being posted on the Internet for everyone to see?

Librarian- (turns to look at him over glasses) Sidney, you worry to much.  Just do as I say.  A little honesty never hurt anybody.  (exits room leaving behind a nervous Sidney)


Read-Along Suggestion Titles

We will be announcing the book we'll be reading for the Read-Along next THURSDAY, APRIL 2, so do make haste and comment below and tell us which book you would like to read!!  Feel free to share the Pinterest pin link below for this post on your blogs and invite others to join in the fun!  Looking forward to reading with you all!

April Read-Along

Katherine & Grace



  1. GASP! i would love the the Blue Castle!! i just reread it a couple weeks ago but i love it too much so i can do it again!

    1. YES!!!!!!!! I've been reading it out loud to my Mom in the car whilst trying to convince Katherine that she'd like it! I love it so much too!!

    2. Yay, Lia! Glad you're going to read with us! :)

  2. Oooh I vote for Emma!! I've been meaning to read that one for awhile! :D

    1. It would be interesting to see how close the movies followed the book.

  3. Ooh, I'd vote for Ivanhoe since it's the only one I haven't read yet, but we don't own it and with the library closed I'm not sure I could get my hands on it at this time.... so maybe The Blue Castle? I didn't particularly like it the first time I read it, but I'd be willing to give it another try... ;)

    1. YES!!!! IVANHOE IS THE BEST!!!!!! Are you signed up for Hoopla? It's connected with your local library and you can borrow Movies, Books and Music digitally!

    2. I've never read Ivanhoe either, but Grace convinces me I'll love it! :)

    3. Oooh, I'll have to look into that! Thanks! Also, your enthusiasm for Ivanhoe is all motivation I need to read it ASAP! ;)

    4. Yes do read it! I thought it would be kinda boring and hard to get through, but it was surprisingly fast paced! I would love to here your thoughts on it!

  4. Unfortunately, I don't have access to The Blue Castle although I would love to read it and read all y'all's thoughts on it if you do end up reading it! (Or maybe I could read it on the iPad... hm.....) (I would be down for reading Anne of Avonlea too though! <3)

    1. Do you know if your local library is signed up with Hoopla? You might be able to find it online there.

    2. I do have Hoopla, I just don't prefer reading on a screen. I'll definitely look into it and see if I can make it work though!

    3. I totally understand, I prefer a real book any day! But... if it works out for you.... that'd be awesome!!!

    4. Yes! A vote for Anne of Avonlea!! :)

  5. PS. This was a very fun and exciting post!! <3

  6. PPS. Are you ladies on Goodreads?? I'd love to be friends over there if you are!

    1. I am on Goodreads under Grace Avender. I'd love to be friends as well! I've only been signed up since this year and I already have a GIANT TBR pile!! Such is the life of a bibliophile!

    2. I am not on Goodreads, but as Grace mentioned she is! :) :)

  7. IVANHOE!!!!!

    I just read The Blue Castle earlier this year and I'm not terribly fond of Emma, but Anne of Avonlea would be my second choice...

    1. Yay!!! I really want tot get Katherine to read Ivanhoe, but she won't listen to me!! Anne of Avonlea would be fun too!

    2. You've made Grace quite happy with your vote, Hamlette! :)

  8. Oh, all of these would be so lovely for a springtime read-along! I've read Emma and Anne of Avonlea but I would be willing to do a reread! I've been meaning to read Ivanhoe and The Blue Castle, and I've never heard of Hope Was Here, but I'd be up for trying it! Overall, I'm good with any of these and can't wait to see what you choose!

    1. Thanks for you vote, Movie Critic! I'm really excited!

    2. You should definitely read Hope was Here sometime, MovieCritic! It is such a fun book - and since it revolves around a diner it also makes you hungry! :) :)
