Monday, November 9, 2020

Week Five of The Scarlet Pimpernel Read-Along!!

Hello, Everyone,

How are you all this week?  What have you been up to? 

We have been enjoying scheming for winning cookie recipes/decorations/ boxes for our friend's annual Cookie Exchange/Contest! Pinterest and YouTube have been very handy for inspiration and I think we may finally have found something that both Katherine and I agree upon! 

So that's what we've been up to, as well as anticipating these next few chapters so....let's return to Lord Grenville's Ball!

So, I (Grace) was thinking that this week, along with our video, I would try to gather some tibits of information about a few things that stood out to me in our chapters, so here goes!

"The whole was signed with a hastily scrawled little device- a tiny star shaped, which had become so familiar to her." The Scarlet Pimpernel Chapter 13

Let us discover a few horticultural facts about our flowering friend!
The Scarlet Pimpernel is also called the poor man's weather glass as the flowers close up under an overcast sky and though we love them for their immortalization in this novel, apparently they are an invasive weed! Which is kind of ironic, don't you think? The flowers can be red, white or even blue, but most commonly a bright salmon. Each flower has five petals, a sap that can cause irritation to the skin or even a rash and is wholly poisonous to both humans and animals.

"It was now close upon eleven, the last minuet was being danced, with Sir Andrew Ffoulkes and beautiful Lady Blakeney leading the couples, through its delicate and intricate fingers".

"After supper, dancing was resumed. His Royal Highness had left, and there was general talk of departing among the older guests; the young ones were indefatigable and had started a new gavotte, which would fill the next quarter of an hour."

If you are like me and wish to envision more completely the splendor and elegance of Lord Grenville's ball, here are a few videos of the dances mentioned above:

Personally, I wouldn't necessarily want to dance any of these, it looks kinda dumb, but that's just me! What do you think?

If you want interesting dances, look no further than this unrelated to the time period video!!!

Katherine- Oh, no.  She just had to include this.

Grace- (Glaring at Katherine)

Well, that's about it! What did you all think of this weeks chapters? What do you think will happen next? Do tell all!

See you all next week!


 Grace & Katherine


  1. Huh, that is funny that the scarlet pimpernel is considered not only an invasive weed, but is also quite poisonous. Note to self, never touch one, never, never. Assuming that I would ever find one while roaming abroad.

    That last dance video, wow, it reminds me of the modern dance number in White Christmas that always me going "Hmmmmm." But there's no denying their talent. That's incredible.

    For me, I love any dancing done in the Regency period. And let me do it in full Regency dress, too, please. They're just so, so pretty.

    The baking sounds like fun. Do share photos of the finished results; whatever recipe you settle on.

    As for this week's chapters, I enjoyed them. I feel bad for Marguerite being manipulated to do something she clearly doesn't want to do. I remember in the movie, after the party (I think it was after), she wants to talk with Percy about her troubles, but their conversation just never quite comes to fruition. At least I think it doesn't if I'm remembering correctly. I hope she's able to ask for his help in the book and that he's receptive.

    I do agree that, up until now, the story has pretty much been from everyone's perspective except Percy. Which is interesting that the movie is so very different in its approach. Here we are, halfway through the book, and with no idea whatsoever about the identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel. I love that! I love the mystery of it.

    Chauvelin is a first-class heel. He's much more deliberately nasty in the book that in the film. In the film he sort of falls into nasty, sneakiness, but here, he's deliberately seeking it out with no regrets whatsoever that he's hurting Marguerite. He's an absolute cad.

    Great job on your chapters! If you want to speed up, that's totally fine, although I know that session 6 has a super long chapter so I won't be surprised if that one is only 3. I'm now caught up and just have the current week to listen to. Yay!

    1. Yes, isn't that interesting about the flower? Quite an interesting detail.

      Yes, Regency dancing is oh, so fun! I love it that people are still trying to keep it alive by hosting period dances etc. One dance we attended years ago, was teaching everyone "Ship's Cook" from the 2009 Emma movie! It was so cool!

      Ok - thanks for the feedback on the cookies - I have hopes of creating a video of the whole process - at least what we managed to film while working :) More to come on that soon I hope.

      Yes, it's always so frustrating when characters suffer alone and don't ever let anyone else in. :( And yes, I love the approach that the Baroness took with keeping the identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel hidden so very long from us poor readers! :) So suspenseful :)

      Yes, definitely - I agree that Chauvelin is certainly more cunningly wicked in the book than he is portrayed in the movie.

      Thank you again so much for your fun comments - we are so happy to see them! Yay - you are almost caught up - congrats! :) :)

  2. A couple of years ago I attended an English country dance workshop and it was great fun, so I love seeing those kinds of dances in movies and whatnot! I would love to do it again sometime.

    The intro to this video was hilarious!! I now really want to rewatch Meet Me in St. Louis!

    1. Oh, how fun! What was your favorite dance?

      Ha - so glad you liked it! That was so fun to make! I keep quoting Grace's hilarious 'Wide they flung the massive portals' line to her, much to her annoyance :)
      Yes, I love that movie! So good!
