Monday, November 16, 2020

Week Six of The Scarlet Pimpernel Read-Aloud!

Hello again! So sorry we are late posting this!

Can you believe it's been 6 weeks? Yeah, I kinda can! 

How are you all this week? 

What adventures/scrapes have you been getting yourselves in and out of? 

Our activities of note consisted of work, cooking, cookie plotting and the viewing of 2 movies from our friends' "YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THESE YET??? WATCH THEM!!!" list! 

The movies we watched were "The Alexander Graham Bell Story" and "They Died With Their Boots On" which were both excellent! 

Anywho, let us dive back into the dramatic pages of The Scarlet Pimpernel!


Extra Tidbits:

I only really have one thing to say to both Marguerite and Percy and that is...

If you'd like to visualize Sir Percy's ring, check out this Etsy Listing! 

Scarlet Pimpernel Signet Ring

Here's a fun little behind the scenes clip with Jane Seymour from the 1982 film!

This is a video of Kristin Lidstrom, singing Marguerite's song, "Storybook", from The Scarlet Pimpernel Musical!  (I'm guessing Marguerite sings this song when still an actress on the Comédie-Française.)  Kristin sings it so beautifully!

More Collages:

See you all next week!  Again, so sorry for the long wait for this week (I mean last week's post).

Katherine & Grace


  1. I like the collages very much!!! *gasp* You left us on a cliffhanger, girls! The comment you made about Marguirite being a little dense when it comes to this is funny because she is considered the cleverest woman in Europe, or something. She was really thrown off of her guard!

    1. Yay, so happy you liked them! I know that all the people in the pics weren't dressed in period costume, but I liked them so much I just had to use them...:)
      I know - what a cliffhanger! Yes, that is funny about Marguerite's fame to cleverness!

  2. Boy that would get old. Percy only acting like a restrained, politely absurd fop to his wife, poor thing. I must be feeling quite empathetic today because I feel so terribly sad for Marguerite! At least now we start to see how Percy's feeling, we get some of his emotions rising to the surface instead of just Marguerite, so that's something.

    I have a confession to make. I'm ecstatic that they didn't add the Percy kissing the walkway scene to the 1982 film version. As entertaining as it would have been to see Anthony Andrews do that, still, oh my goodness I'm relieved they didn't add it.

    And yes, I think Marguerite did it on purpose, moving close to Percy outside that evening. She was trying to determine if he still loved her, and there was no better way to do that than by tenderly flirting with him and returning his coldness with warmth.

    A "strange Bluebeard's chamber," that's such a funny thing to say about Percy's study!

    I agree, it does sound very lonely for Marguerite. So saddddddd!

    Percy must be much stronger than I suppose, being so determined to hold his wife at arm's length when he desperately loves her. I feel bad for her but at the same time, I want to smack him with one of his own gloves. Oh boy, communication! They need to communicate!

    And yes, I do believe that Marguerite pretty much has FINALLY realized her husband is the Scarlet Pimpernel.

    Good job, ladies! And it sounds like you had fun with your baking! Yay! And your kitty sounds a bit like mine, very talkative! Love the collages!
