Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Hailing 2020!

Hello Dear Friends and Happy New Year!!!

Yes, I realize it's the 7th already, but better late than never! Any who... I don't normally set yearly goals, but this year I was thinking about it and have decided to go for it!  So without further ado...

2020 Goals

Grow more in my walk with God 
This is a continued goal that will last my whole life! I want to really focus on prioritizing setting aside a quiet time in the morning and evening to pray and read my Bible. I have found it really makes a difference in how my day goes, if I set the tone of my day through Scripture reading and prayer.

 Get my Drivers License
Yes, you would think a nearly 21 year old would have this done by now, but no I have not. I have my permit and have been out a few times, but I am no where near ready to take a driving test with a very scary law enforcement officer! Finding driving time is also difficult since we're always in so much of a hurry and we would have to plot out an extra 30 mins if I were to drive!

Acquire a job
 I'd especially like an online job, so I can set my own schedule, and I think I have found some good options.

Add more structure to my life
I work best if my day is scheduled out and I have a list of things to be done. (I love checking things off; it gives such a sense of accomplishment!) I also want to be a good steward of the time God has given me and not waste it, so I need to sit down and write out a schedule. That will be a feat since it needs to work around everyone else's schedule, meet my goals and still have room for the spontaneous-ness of life!

Write, produce, direct and act in 'The Merriwethers Come To Town' 
So Katherine and I are working on another play, which we hope to put on... at some point! We pretty much have the plot worked out and the characters, so we can start writing a first draft soon. We have been all over the place with different ideas, but I think we've got it figured out now!  I plan to do an expose' on the plot and characters soon, with Katherine's permission of course, so stay tuned!
Follow my WW II story through and actually do something with it
It is a well known fact in my family that I have started tons of stories and never finished any of them! So when inspiration struck last week with an idea that I think is pretty good, I am going to follow this one through and at least get out a first draft. The working title is "Once Upon A Castle", though it doesn't really have anything to do with the story so it will no doubt change! It's set during WW II in occupied France and is about a family living in an old chateau. Whilst they are hiding Jews and helping downed Allied airmen escape back to England, their home is taken over to house German officers, which provides the perfect cover, but also many dangers. I am madly researching right now, reading a bunch of books which have to go back to the library next week... and I haven't finished any of them! I have also made a secret story board on my Pinterest which has been fun to put together. I'll give more details in a later post once I have a more concrete plot and ending and such!
Start learning French again.....seriously!
My beloved mother has given me THREE books on how to learn to speak French, so now I really have no excuse and it will assist me with my story. Two of the books have CD's so now my alarm clock wakes me up with French accordion music and "Bonjour Monsieur Berger" "Ah, Bonjour Madame Dubois! Ca va?" "Ja vais bien, merci, ca va?" etc.! I love it!!

Well, there you have it, my dears... oh and one more is to keep a Good Memory Jar ( a jar where you record good things/blessings that happen each day - I should end up with 365 plus!! - on scraps of paper) and another is to post regularly on this blog or I'll risk another visit from The Librarian!! May it all come true....uh, except the part about The Librarian!!

Have any of you set new goals this year ? Tell me all about them in the comment section, I would truly love to hear and may even join you!

Best wishes for your new year,


  1. Happy New Year!! These sound like great goals!! I'm not making any concrete goals, but I do hope to spend more time in prayer and progress in my discernment. Also decluttering and organizing my room would be nice. :). I can't wait to read about your play! God bless!

    1. Thank you Sarah! Organization is a wonderful thing is it not?! I'm excited your excited about our play! I hope it comes to fruition!

  2. Good luck on these! Your World War II story sounds really interesting!

    (You have a new blog look!!)

    1. Thank you, I hope it works out! Yes we do, what do you think? [(Katherine and Mother do not like it) I the simplistic one do!]
