Thursday, January 9, 2020

selective focus photography of assorted-color balloons

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears!  
Do you know what today is, my friends??

Today is the official date of my dear sister, Grace's birthday!  Hazzah!  

(confetti flies through the air)

icing cake on table

Grace is turning, drum roll, please! 

(distant drumroll sounds)

....... One and Twenty!

(I just had to write that Jane Austen style)

Twenty One years ago, my parents, Jane, Richard, Sherlock, and I received the most precious gift of the New Year, 1999- a baby Grace!  

baby wearing white floral headband lying on bed while smiling

And since she arrived as a mere, sweet, dark-headed bundle, she has never ceased to bring an abundance of happiness to our family's lives!!

She is the best-est Sister, the sweetest Aunt, and most endearing Daughter! She and Sherlock both remain our family's "historians" (every family needs one or two, you know), and adept readers.  She is our family's offical remote holder, (or controller- whichever you prefer, hee hee), and Garlic Dipping Sauce maker,(we dip our Friday night Challah in this luxuriously, delicious "dippage" every week- it's quite the highlight of the week, I assure you!).  Grace is also a very, very talented writer!

So as you can see......  

She's great!

This year Grace decided to what for her birthday? Can you guess??....

Ice skating!

So, we with some friends, are heading out this weekend to the lovely ice rink to twirl, to glide, to spin, to....fall down??  (Please no, surely this time we can keep from doing that! :) It should be great fun!  Come join us??

I'm quite proud of my "little" sister, who as the years go by keeps looking less and less "little", and has blossomed into a beautiful, young woman whom I adore! Where would I be without her?  If I had to write up a list with all the things I look to her for....uh, we might be here for awhile! :) 

Happy Birthday, Grace!  I love you lots!


  1. This is so sweet! Happy birthday, Grace!!!

  2. Oh my dear sister.... you are too kind; thank you so much! Here's to another year livin' it up with you, discussing/arguing/hashing out story/play ideas while we refresh the goat's waters! Ah, sweet bliss!

  3. Happy birthday, Grace! I hope it was fabulous :-)

  4. Happy (very belated!) birthday, Grace!!! Hope this year brings lots of blessings and joy!! <3

  5. Aww!!! How did I miss this post! So sweet, Katherine! Happy very bleated birthday, Grace!! We were born in the same awesome year! <3 *throwsconfetti*
