Friday, December 25, 2020

Beth In Boots Tagged Us!!

Hello, Everyone!  Today we will be posting our answers to Beth In Boot's Tag that she most kindly bestowed upon us - thank you so much, Beth, and we are so sorry it took us so long!

(Disclaimer: All photos or gifs were randomly taken off the internet, so all rights go back to the original creators and such)

  Now, let's get to it!


 The Jane Austen (This or That) Tag

-- This or that... Jane Austen style! --


1. Thank and link back to the person who tagged you. 

(Thank you Beth!!!)

2. Answer the questions

3. Tag 3 more people

4. Add a Jane Austen this or that question (about any of her books) if you want to. 

Katherine's Answers: Purple

Grace's Answers: Blue

1) Who is a cuter couple? 

Emma and Mr. Knightley or Jane and Mr. Bingley?

I have to go with Emma & Mr. Knightley (from the 2009 version, of course :)! As much as I like Jane & Mr. Bingley, I just love Mr Knightley and Emma's banter and general relationship.

Both couples are cute, but for me, Emma and Mr. Knightly have always been defined by their ready wit and flying sparks, so in the interest of pure cuteness, I'm choosing Jane and Mr, Bingley.


2) You must go to tea with Mrs. Jennings or Mrs. Bennet. Who would you rather go with?

Hmm, that's a hard choice!  Maybe I'll go with Mrs. Jennings? (I hope I'm not making a horrid mistake....will one of you come rescue me if I'm gone at this tea too long?)

Yikes! Neither?? Both have a shocking lack of knowledge of those things that just aren't spoken in public!! Alas, if I must choose, I shall go with Mrs. Bennet, since I am not one of her daughters, therefore not in need of her matchmaking skills and also a possible contender with her own daughters so hopefully she shall ignore me??? Yes? No? Help!!


3) Dance with Edward Ferrars or Charles Bingley?

Edward Ferrars!  He's such a thoughtful, sweet tempered character.

Hmmm, I feel that with Edward there would be interesting conversation, but Mr. Bingley is such a sweet soul, I would feel no pressure to make conversation and just chat about nothing in particular and enjoy the dance, I shall choose Mr. Bingley.


4) Who would you rather have as a big sister? 

Jane Bennet or Elinor Dashwood?

I'll choose Elinor.....although Jane is so sweet....ach!  How can I choose?  I know who I don't want though...

To be honest, I feel like I already have both a Jane and an Elinor as my sisters, but I have a soft spot for Elinor's practicality so Elinor!


5) Worst villain? Wickham or Willoughby?

Oh, wow, they are both scoundrels!  I'll go with Willoughby.  He's a wretch.

They are both are quite villainous, but I have always had a soft spot for Willoughby, as he showed remorse for his actions and apologized (at least according to the movie). Katherine strongly disagrees with me! I shall have to say George Wickham...well... gah, fine I shall have to say Willoughby. Are you happy Katherine?


6) Take a walk with Mrs. Weston or Mrs. Gardiner? (Mrs. Weston is Emma's old governess and Mrs. Gardiner is Elizabeth's aunt.)

I shall choose Mrs. Gardiner; she seems like a very nice lady and a wonderful aunt!

Mrs. Weston. She seems to be cheery soul and would have many fun stories about Emma and her sister growing up... and the Knightly's as well.


7) Mr. Darcy or Mr. Knightly?

This is an impossible choice!!!.....I think I have to choose Mr. Darcy as Grace and I just watched the Pride & Prejudice Musical again and Mr. Darcy's character is fresh in my mind!  (By the way, if any of you want to watch that it's on Amazon Prime right now and it's REALLY GOOD!)

Mr. Darcy. Mr. Knightly is a VERY close second, but Mr. Darcy it is! (And do watch the above mentioned play, tis sooooooo good!!!!)

And these last two are our add on questions that we thought up per suggestion in rule #4:

8) Whose wardrobe would you rather own: Emma Woodhouse's (2009 version) or 
Marianne Dashwood's (2008 version)?

9) Would you rather spend an afternoon with Mary Elliot Musgrove (Persuasion) prattling on about her many ailments and disappointments in life or with Mr. Rushworth (Mansfield Park) who will fill the hours describing in great detail his plans for the shrubberies at his estate?


We Tag:
Movie Critic @ Movies Meet Their Match
Chalice @ Lionhearted Art

Aww, that was such fun!! Thanks again to Beth for tagging us!! Farewell, dear friends!!


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved reading this! You two are definitely kindred spirits!

    1. Thanks so much Beth, you are so sweet!!! You too are a kindred spirit!!

    2. So happy you enjoyed it! Oh, thank you! :) :)

  2. I loved reading your answers! =)

  3. Do you mind doing another tag? I tagged you for The Fantastic and Felicitous Fictional Character Blog Tag

    1. Do we mind??? Never!!! We welcome the joy!! Thanks so much!!

    2. Oh, thank you so much, Ivy! We love getting tagged!

  4. Oh, thanks for tagging me! This looks fun. The gifs you used are so great. It's fun how on almost all of the questions you two had different answers! My sister and I saw the Pride and Prejudice musical in September on Amazon Prime and it was hilarious! We need to get our older sister to see it now.

    1. You are very welcome! Yes, that is funny! We have had many conversations over our differences of opinion!!
      I'm so happy you liked the musical!!

    2. Your welcome! Yes, it's quite diverting! So glad you liked the gifs! :) That was one of the funnest parts of writing this tag! Yes - that was funny about our differing answers! Oh, so HAPPY you liked the musical! I just adore it! It's just hysterical!
