Friday, October 23, 2020

The Scarlet Pimpernel Read - Aloud: Week 3

Sink me, Madmoiselles et Monsieurs!  

It's week 3 already!  How's your week been?  Any new projects or challenges?  

I (Katherine) have a "commission" to decorate a cake for a friend's daughter's birthday next week, so I just tested a cake recipe out the other day for the first time....with mixed results!  Three quarters of the household here at Green Gables gave it a most favorable report while the remaining quarter....well...let's just say they did not agree. 😃  So, I think I'm going to plan to try to find one more recipe to test out before deciding which one I'll choose to use, so stay tuned!  If I can get my act together, I can perhaps create a "Cake Castles" post and show you the end results!

But what is all this talk about refreshments? We have a book to read, do we not?  

Without further ado, it gives me great pleasure to introduce.....oh, yeah....ouselves.....

* A quick note about this weeks intro... You may have noticed that these past 2 week's videos opened with a "funny sketch" type thing. First, it was a "news flash" on a radio show called "Literary News" hosted by a Camilla McGinnis, next a scene of our Sidney character discovering that the Maidens had outsmarted The Librarian once again. *If you are new to our blog and haven't "met" Sidney or The Librarian yet, please refer to "The Librarian Files" on our Writers Corner page of the blog :)*  And now this week, we bring you another "Literary News" radio show segment. This segment (entitled "Sail That Ship" ) is a discussion forum for Canon and Non-Canon Ships. 
So, hopefully the above sheds some light and explains what in the world you have been listening to in the beginnings of our videos! 
We hope you enjoy this video's intro sketch and laugh as much as we did when we put it together!! *

See you on the other side!!

Here are this week's Scarlet Pimpernel Inspired Collages.....we just can't stop making these :)

Fare thee all well till next week!

Love, Katherine & Grace


  1. I have read MANY of the books in the series, lol!! I love them, because Orczy does a splendid job with continuity in her characters and it helps you understand them even more in this book. My favorites, besides this one, are El Dorado, The Elusive Pimpernel and Sir Percy Hits Back.

    1. Oh wow!! That's great! I think I'd like to read the others once we've finished this one.
      Thanks for your comment!

    2. Oh, that's good to know! Yes, she does do very well with character development!

  2. I forgot to comment here *hides* but I really liked hearing Marguerite's backstory a little bit! Your opening discussion with the ships was all funny. XD

  3. Yay,MovieCritic! It's always a pleasure hearing from you! Yes, that was interesting! Thanks - we had fun making it! :)

  4. I agree, I'm curious about the version of The Scarlet Pimpernel with Leslie Howard. And I'm curious as to why the 1982 version which we all adore changed up the chronology of the story so much. (edit: Now I know why! Because the movie is based on El Dorado and The Scarlet Pimpernel! Thank you! Nope, I've never read any of the other books in the series, although it is a goal. So many books, so little time!)

    At least now we can suppose and hope that Marguerite is innocent. But the executed man had done her brother such a terrible evil so it makes me wonder if Marguerite is an unreliable narrator. She let something slip to the wrong people that got an enemy killed. She proclaims herself to have been "thoughtless," but it could have been more than that and she just didn't wish to think that she had deeper motives because it would be just too terrible for words. An entire family died because of what she said and that would be almost impossible to face.

    And no, you're totally right, Chauvelin does not seem very devious in the movie. Although I love Ian McKellan in the role, but still.

    I thoroughly enjoyed chapters 6 through 9 although the end is a bit terrifying. Poor Tony and Andrew!

    1. We've seen the Leslie Howard version once quite awhile ago and I only remember not liking it! Yes, there are SOOOOO may books out there to read!
      You know, I never thought to doubt Marguerite's innocence, but you are right, the only opinion voiced in her favor is her own. Hmmmm, very interesting.
      Indeed, poor Tony and Andrew, what an agonizing night or two (i can't remember) they must have suffered.

    2. Yes, there are a ton of books out there to be read....
      Yes, it is interesting that Marguerite's jury "is still out" on the verdict of her guilt or innocence. You have to wait to hear whether she explains herself or not. That is certainly possible that she could have had deeper motives, though I confess, I want her to be a "model heroine" who wouldn't fall to such vindictiveness, however plausible. :) :)
      Yes, Ian McKellan's portrayal of Chauvelin is quite good though different from the book! Indeed - Tony and Andrew's demise is quite the cliffhanger, isn't it?
