Thursday, June 25, 2020

In The Kitchen: Pizza Edition

Greetings from the kitchen! Today we are going to talk about Pizza, namely Sourdough Pizza. If you are looking for a delicious pizza recipe look no further. 

My Pizza History

Growing up, we always made our own pizza crust and sauce, but occasionally we would treat ourselves and order pizza from a delicious place called Franks. After we began eating kosher, we no longer ordered out pizza, but I never forgot that special taste and we never found a recipe that tasted the same...till now! Well, actually it's been so long since I've had pizza from a restaurant, I can't correctly judge it, but this pizza is to DIE for and it's SOURDOUGH , so it's better for you!!

The Sourdough Part

Mom started making Sourdough bread a couple of years ago and we all love it. It is a very economical way to make bread and the sour/fermenting process breaks down the phylactic acid in the bread making it easier to digest.
  Mamma began her sourdough experiment with little round loaves for sandwiches and then branched out to waffles, crackers and all sorts of other things. Last year our friends introduced us to the Grilled Colby and Jalapeno Jelly Sourdough Sandwich and OH MY WORD PEOPLE, IT IS SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!

Back To The Pizza

Alright, so we got our amazing recipe from  In Jennie's Kitchen. Here are the links to her recipes

Walk Through
On Tuesday I was in charge of making the pizza, so here are the pictures I took!

Here is our recipe written out very nicely by my dear Mamma

Here is the starter all set to be mixed

Thank heavens for our Viking Mixer; this dough can be rather tough to mix by hand! And now the dough can stay in the fridge for a week or two. The longest we've ever gone is 2 weeks and you could taste a slight sour aftertaste when cooked, but it was still delicious.

Here is our dough all ready to be made up and baked.

My baking station. You will need flour or your dough will stick and a pizza peel will make your life so much easier.


Zee oven ziz preheated for 30 minz wiz zee pizza stone inzide!

Here is the finished product ready for the oven. We like to make individual pizzas since it's much easier to transfer to the pizza stone in the oven. I like to make the crusts extra thick so that when they are cooked they're still a bit doughy inside which is so heavenly!!! When cooked they sometimes bubble up like the Boboli brand you can purchase in grocery stores and look incredible.

In the oven on the stone they bake for 7-8 minutes. Normally we put extra toppings on top, such as mushrooms, onions, Morning Star sausage, peppers... but I was in such a hurry I forgot!! I didn't get a photo, but Mom's new favorite kind of pizza is ranch tomato. We spread Ranch dressing instead of pizza sauce and slice up tomatoes and sprinkle with cheese and bake it like usual. Mom doesn't eat the regular pizza anymore, she likes it so much! 
Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of the baked pizzas and we shipped them out to feed some hungry workmen the next day, so you'll just have to make it yourselves to see the final stage and taste the goodness!!!


Well, there you have it! Are you hungry yet? I encourage you all to give this recipe a try and see what you think. Have you ever made anything with sourdough? What is your favorite kind of pizza? Do you ever make your own pizza crust? 
Tell me all about it the comments down below!

See ya'll next week

Grace Avender


  1. I enjoyed reading this! I make sourdough bread.But I haven't tried sourdough pizza! I think I will sometime. That pizza looks so good. Pizza is my absolute favorite food! And pepperoni is my favorite kind of pizza!

  2. Hey girls, I just tagged y'all on my blog! :D

