Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Blue Castle Read-along Chapters 9-12

Good Day, fellow readers!!  How does this Thursday find you all??

Katherine's Thoughts

Well, we certainly find Valancy in a different humor this week, don't we?  And how shocked the Stirlings are to find her so changed!  My favorite quote from this week's reading is Uncle Benjamin's comment on Valancy - 'She's dippy, I tell you, she's dippy'!  But Cousin Stickles' sight of "a terrible thing" (Valancy's banister sliding), was quite amusing as well!  

261 Best Victorian staircases. images | Victorian, Victorian homes ...

 Valancy certainly made herself heard at Uncle Herbert and Aunt Alberta's dinner.  Part of me is happy to hear her call out her Stirling family members for their hypocrisy, but the other part cringes a little, for Valancy was rather rude in what she said and how she said it.  

2017 Bucket List: Victorian Dinner Party - divian l conner

You could argue that since she's been "hushed" for so long and not been given a voice at the table, she doesn't know quite how to maneuver gracefully with this newfound liberty.  Perhaps given time, Valancy will learn how to share her opinions confidently, but still maintain politeness.  In the bigger picture, I think that it would be more appropriate for a fellow peer of the Stirling Aunts and Uncles to reprimand them on their erroneous ways rather than Valancy, as they are her elders.  (I don't mean to say she can't disagree with them, however.)
So, Valancy is defending the infamous, mysterious Barney Snaith, is she??  Ho, Ho, what did I tell you?

road to avonlea | Tumblr

Anne of Green Gables is the one guide to life your daughter needs ...

 And she feels jealous when dear little Olive speaks up about him, too!  Love is in the air, people!

Disney Movies & Facts

I love how Uncle Herbert saw Valancy looking different with her new hairstyle and gave her some extra meat at dinner - I like him now!  And it's hilarious how the whole family jabbered away about Valancy's "questionable state of health" after her exit from dinner.  This book would surely make a great movie.....or mini-series!  Yes, I think mini-series would be better.  It's just sad that Jackie Burroughs is not here to play Cousin Stickles.  Any ideas on cast members??

The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery

Grace's Thoughts

Well, what an interesting couple of chapters! We have a wider glimpse into the type of family in which Valancy grew up as well as exclusive access into the intimate thoughts of her domineering relatives. I love how L.M. Montgomery so wonderfully portrayed each personality! Oh, the picture she paints so vividly with her words!

As Valancy begins to act upon her new philosophy of freedom, there is a fine line that she must walk. I think she has had a few wobbles between disregarding and disrespecting her elders/parents and simply speaking her own mind or even the truth. But overall I think she has a good heart through it all.

I keep having to remind myself that Valancy is 29 years old and not a child like her relatives treat her. She is a grown woman living under her mother's roof, but still an adult who deserves recognition. It reminds me somewhat of Pauline Harris's relationship with her mother from the second Anne of Green Gables movie.

I loved this snippet-
"What has he done?" asked Valancy suddenly.
Uncle Wellington stared at her, forgetting that she was to be ignored.
"Done! Done! He's done everything!"
The absurdity of the whole Barney Snaith situation is so funny! This guy just looks different and doesn't conform to "normal" social doings and he's a felon! Preposterous!!

Katherine and I were listening to the soundtrack from the BBC Emma and the song entitled "Mr. Elton" sounded just perfect for the comedic timing of the dinner! In fact, if there is ever a movie of The Blue Castle, I think Samuel Sims would be the perfect composer! His 2009 Emma soundtrack is so light and airy, but at the same time full of emotion. He would just be perfect!

Blue aesthetic book 📕💙 discovered by callista

Your Thoughts

Alright, everyone, it's time for you to speak up!  You've all gone A-WALL on us!  We ain't heard hide nor hair from ya'll on this here book readin'....thingy?!!  Have we lost you on the read - along??

steve coogan | Tumblr

 Oh, please, no!  We are waiting, in anticipation to hear what you all thought of this week's chapters?......or last week's chapters?........or.....anything at all from you!!

Secret Life Of Pets GIFs | Tenor

Please, oh, please!!

What do you think of the Stirling relations?  Of Barney Snaith's supposed crimes?  Of Valancy's new behavior?? Of Aunt Isabel's double chins??

~ Next week -  Chapters 13-16 ~


Katherine and Grace


  1. sorry i've been really struggling with this :( Work has been insane lately and i haven't had time to do anything....

    But yes the dinner is one of my favorite parts :) i really do like Uncle Benjamin,he's a very interesting character.

    1. No problem Lia, we're just glad to have you along for whatever you can be along for!

  2. Don't worry, Lia! I totally understand with you busy schedule! Thanks so much for commenting though - it's good to know you are still here for moral support! :) :) :)

  3. Sorry that I've been silent! I'm catching up, now. :) I agree, I think that Valancy can learn to be more eloquent in her speeches to the clan. I like Uncle Herbert already! It's so interesting how she defended Barney Snaith so much, but I can see myself doing the same thing.

    1. No problem, I glad your still with us!!! Yes me too, Katherine is always telling me to quit defending anyone and everyone whether they deserve it or not!

    2. Yay, MovieCritic!! You're here! Yes, it would be hard to stand by while the Stirlings are ripping the elusive Barney to shreds for no good reason! :) :)

  4. Okay, I have to say: this whole scene just kind of annoys me!! Haha. I do have a strange tendency to play "devil's advocate" for anything and anyone though too, so I probably would have done the same thing. Chuckling that the author seems to already imply a romantic interest though, haha.

    1. That's so funny, Grace! But yes, it's so silly for them all to go on and on over the "mysterious" Barney Snaith and his 'dastardly doings" when they know practically know nothing about him!
