Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Adventures as of late...

Hello, one & all!!  This post contains a bunch of random subjects that we'd like to talk about, but individually don't constitute a whole post.
 So without further ado...

What We've Been up to Lately

In The Realms Of Books

Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis
I LOVED this book so much, it's really inspired me to open myself up to the opportunities I have every day all around me to help others and to let Yeshua (Jesus) use me for the glory of His Kingdom.

Close to Famous by Joan Bauer
This one was a good story, but I didn't connect with the characters and their problems. Though there was one REALLY good part where a certain someone comes somewhere they aren't supposed to be and Foster diffuses the situation by baking cupcakes. In the end, the certain someone does the right thing! (Read the book for context and to find out exactly what happened!!)

Maire by Linda Windsor
This romance was just a bit too forced to be enjoyable, but it had a good plot and some enjoyable moments. I'm just not liking Christian Fiction too much these days.

The Black Count by Tom Reiss
So far it is VERY interesting, but I'm getting bogged down with all the names and facts that give the backstory to the story that is a backstory of a story!

Allegiant by Veronica Roth
Ok, so I have mixed feelings about this one... I'd gotten Insurgent for a steal to sell and cracked it open to see what the hype was about and got myself hooked. But, after that cliff hanger of an ending, I had to continue and now... I don't know! Talk to me in the comments!!

Romanov by Nadine Brandes
Now, I know this is a very popular book and everyone loves it... but... I'm afraid I didn't! Zash was the best part, just going to be honest with you! And Alexi was pretty cute, too.

The Birthright, The Distant Beacon and The Beloved Land by Janette Oke and Davis Bunn
I've not been a big Janette Oke fan after the "Gown of Spanish Lace" debacle, but she hath been somewhat redeemed with these. The plot is very intriguing and she keeps you guessing as to what's going to happen next. This series is set before/during the American Revolution and one of the female characters is something of a healer. I was cringing as she's applying poultices and bleeding her sickly father! Don't do that!!!

Wuthering Heights by Charlotte Bronte
Another book leaving me with mixed feelings. My first impression was "Who in the world would like this book??? It's awful!!!" Then I talked to the friend who recommended it to me and now I've calmed down and can see it's merit! I do like Cathy and Hareton very much and I am content with the ending. 


Dear You: Letters of Identity in Yeshua (Jesus) for Women by Victoria Humphrey
This is a really good read!  Each chapter is written as a letter to the reader, expounding on a piece of our identity in Jesus.  It's been very encouraging to me and has helped me see through the lies the enemy has had me believe.  This is a book every young/older women should read!

Seeds of Hope: The Gold Rush Diary of Susanna Fairchild
I was re-reading this book the other day and it really gives you a good feel for how life would have been in a mining camp during the Gold Rush.  Susanna and her sister learn to make do with what limited supplies they have like learning to bake in an old shovel!

Christmas After All: The Great 
Depression Diary of Minerva Swift
This is one of my favorite books....and yes, I was re-reading this one too! Minnie's family dynamic is so much fun and the information you learn through the book about the time period is really intriguing!  I always have preferred to learn history through historical fiction books/movies where I can see/hear how they lived, how they dressed, and how they talked!  The Dear America series is perfect for this, and to those that would argue that these books are "for children" - "Anne of Green Gables" (a classic) is kept in the children's section of the library!!

Have you read any of these books?  What are you reading right now??

On The Telly! Heartland: Season 1: Amber Marshall, Graham Wardle ...

We've just started on the third season of this series and it's so good!! The whole family likes it which is quite a feat for us! *Warning: there is some language included in the series*

"Madame Secretary" is another new favorite of ours, but fair warning, it is a very intense show!! We've taken to watching an episode of Madame Secretary and then following it with one from Heartland to somewhat calm our nerves, but last night we had two VERY INTENSE episodes in a row!! This morning my neck is out and I wonder why!!
*Warning: there is some language and more sensitive issues being discussed in this show*

The Kings Academy Theatrical Productions
Grace just found these guys on YouTube and their plays are amazing!! The acting, costumes and set are phenomenal! Here are some of our favorites so far. (Seriously, you have to go check them out!)

Peter and the Starcatcher
We were laughing our heads off at this one,

And bawling our eyes (Grace displayed, Katherine felt) during this one,

And this was so fun!

Through The Soundwaves

The Friddle Show
We used to do home church with the gal who hosts this and her family and now she has her own radio show.......

I Think Not Coincidence GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Ha, Ha! Just kidding, but Krystal is really good, well informed and amusing! Check it out, people!

Broadway Soundtracks
We have recently signed up for Hoopla in connection with our library, so we have been singing our hearts out with She Loves Me, Newsies, and The Greatest Showman!

Best Curtains Opening GIFs | Gfycat

We both have signed up for Smule, which is a singing app where you can collaborate with other members and sing duets or just sing solos.  (There are limitations without paying their monthly fees for unlimited usage) So far, we only have plans, but it should be fun!  Our brother, Sherlock is on there too, so maybe we can all sing together; he has a REALLY good voice!

Les Mis GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

The Land of Desire Podcast
So far I've (Grace) only listened to the Women at War series, but the host is very good and so far clean! I can't wait for her new episodes!

In The Sewing Room

Sewing Patches
When we first moved to MO, Mom made us each a panel skirt out of a jean like fabric, which were and are very well loved, a.k.a mine is full of holes and is now a barn/around-the-house/garden skirt. Anywhoo, the holes were getting so bad that I put a few patches on the harder-to- fix holes and was going to sew up the others normally, but the patches looked so cute that I'm now patching them all!!

Cool Sewing Projects – A Gypsy Sorceress's Library

 So far, it looks really good.....I think! I still have few more to go, but our machine is giving me trouble!

Sewing GIFs | Tenor

Crocheting Afghan
After getting tired of rummaging around in my crocheting bag for little bits of yarn not big enough for a full fledged project, and drearily making nothing (basically doodling with a crochet hook), I decided I needed a real project! 

 Crochet GIFs | Tenor

I went to YouTube and found a simple, easy baby blanket to make!  I purchased some yarn from Joann's, urged Mam'ma to add to the order so we could get free shipping, and voila!  I now have 4 skeins of "Cotton Candy" yarn!  

Best Its So Fluffy Im Gonna Die GIFs | Gfycat

Moving our Rooms Together
(Depends of Who You Ask)
Yes, this has happened again! Katherine does not like to be alone, (Katherine- I would rather say that I crave to be inspired by your wonderfully exuberant, lyrical, stimulating conversation 24/7...)  and we needed an office, so we joined forces and shoved ALOT of furniture into that poor room! 

Packing GIFs | Tenor

So far, it's been rather nice, though it's hard to go to sleep when you have a person to talk to! (Katherine- We have so much to catch up on!)

Black and White Photo Wall
Katherine came up with this idea a few days ago and so far I love it! We plan to print out some pictures of old movie stars and intersperse them with quotes to hang up.

Falling Off Ladder GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

The World Of Words

"The Meriwethers come to Town" Outline

We are so excited about this!! Everything is coming together with our play and we've written out the order of events for both acts which was quite the feat!  Our play all revolves around a family guessed it - The Meriwethers!  Just think of the Gilbreths from "Belles on Their Toes"

Belles On Their Toes (1952) Cheaper by the Dozen - sequel | Myrna ...

and the Smiths from "Meet me from St. Louis"

Meet Me in St. Louis (Film) - TV Tropes

and you'll get the idea....
Hopefully, we will be able to share some snippets with you as the play develops......or gets written....
Have you ever noticed that the first act of a play lays the ground work for the second and leaves off with a bomb of sorts dropping? It is really hard to figure out where to drop the bomb and still have something going on in the second half, besides just cleanup!

Outline + Ending for "Once Upon A Castle"

I've (Grace) finally got my plan out on paper! I'm still having trouble with where to begin this story, but at least I know what needs to happen to reach my ending which has two possibilities. One full of heartbreak and sadness and the other not as much heartbreak and sadness!!
I still have not come up with an actual town for "Once Upon A Castle" which is no longer a castle; more of a small Chateau!  I've been stalking the coast of France with Google Earth and I think need to be closer to the Spanish boarder,  which is an area I don't know as much about geographically or historically. Did you know Spain was neutral during WW2?

In Lieu of The Cordon Blue

Tea Party Food
A friend of ours put on a tea party for some of the ladies in our Congregation and she asked us if we would help with the food! So we made Scones, Gourgettes, Petit Fours and Katherine made her famous Cream Tart!

Cake Decorating GIFs | Tenor

Lemon Meringue Pie
Katherine delighted her mother with this scrumptious creation for her birthday. Man was it good!

Lemon Meringue Pie GIF by Reactions | Gfycat

Cookie Press
I (Katherine), took my maiden voyage with my cookie press to make decorations for a mini cream tart for a luncheon we had this week. I'm certainly not a pro yet, but hey, it was my first time!

Pro Cookie Maker – HOMETU

Sheesh! That was a lot! What have YOU all been up to??? We would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to hear all about it in the comments! Comments literally make our day!!

Have a good week!

Katherine & Grace


  1. Sounds like you've been up to a lot of fun things! <3 Have you heard of the musical "Daddy Long Legs?" It's based on the novel by Jean Webster and I think it's delightful. (My sister isn't into it too much yet, but I'm hoping to persuade her in time.) ;) The soundtrack is free on Hoopla!! I love hoopla. :D
    We've been doing a lot of spring cleaning. :) Also bike riding around the neighborhood. There are some horse properties nearby and we saw a mare and her foal! <3 <3 It was so precious.
    Thanks for such a delightful post!

    1. Yay, so glad you commented!! We have heard of Daddy Long Legs - we really enjoyed the soundrack, but we then heard a conflicting review over the book so since then we've kind of been reassessing it. Have you read the book? Did you enjoy it? You're bike riding sounds delightful! That's so neat you got to see foal with it's mother- how sweet! You are too kind, Sarah!! Thanks!

  2. You ladies have some great projects going, and I love that you moved your rooms together, if we didn't already share a room my sister and I would definitely do that. :D

    I wanted to let you know that I've tagged you for my first ever tag! I'll look forward to reading your answers, here's the link:

    1. It has definitely been busy! Thanks so much for tagging us! It twill be fun to answer your questions!

    2. Thanks so much for tagging us on your first ever tag, PioneerGirl! That's so sweet of you! Yay, I'm not the only one who enjoys sharing a room! :) :) :)
