Thursday, May 24, 2018

What We've Been Up To Lately

(Katherine is in Bold and Grace is in Italics)

     Well, here's what I've been up to lately:

     I've been writing a little lately - a very fun hobby of mine. I've cooked, (quiche, pies, ect), cleaned the house with Mamma and Grace, entertained company, learned a fun new card game called Nertz (did i say learned? I certainly didn't get it all the first time, but I caught on to a few things :) Let's see, what else??? I've subscribed to a new blog by our very dear and talented friend Jessie. She is an amazingly talented writer, and I totally encourage you to go check out her blog at: Oh, and among other things I have held multiple Phantom Of The Opera debates with Grace! She isn't budging much on her viewpoint, and let me readily assure you, that it is SHE who needs to change her ideas! (Yeah right!) Anyway, I think that will be all for now, (Well, that was short) I give my dear sister Grace (notice I said dear sister after that uncalled for comment of hers) the floor...

     Greetings and salutations,
We have just returned from a spur of the moment trip to Texas to visit with some very dear friends who were in town for the weekend staying with some other very dear friends. We arrived late afternoon Friday and then left mid morning Sunday so short but sweet. Very very sweet! We stayed up late talking and woke up early so as not to miss anything!

     I finished A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens last week and have begun Les Miserables by Victor Hugo as well as my licence book! Everyone in my family will no doubt be happy about my getting my license, especially my sister Jane who wants me to come live with her!

     Our lilac bush has bloomed, making the walk to the barn every morning full of sweet scents! Mamma has been asked if she can make a lilac soap, so we may soon be sent out to pick the blossoms. The tree's are getting very green and the garden is in the midst of being planted. We've been spending a hour or so out there every day weeding, preparing soil and planting seeds and seedlings. We will have tomatoes coming out of our ears soon!

     Phantom debates...yes well, let's just say Katherine and I have agreed to disagree for now. (I haven't agreed to any such thing) I have decided no to try to convert her till she has seen the 25th anniversary version.  I mean, Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom? I rest my case! At the same time Hadley Fraser as Raoul? I now like Raoul!

     You may have gathered that we REALLY like music! We also tend to overdo it when we find a song we like, listening to it over and over till Mamma repeats her sentiments of the fact that "Silence Is Golden" . So this month I got Kathy (It's Katherine) into Celtic Thunder, an Irish band who have some fun songs. One song is called Dulaman and it's in another language so I looked up a translation and it turns out it is a song about seaweed! Literally!

     And that's about it, just some letter writing, more cooking, cleaning, I'm heading over to Jane's Sunset Cottage for a couple of days to help out with the boys. Warren has business out of town for a few days so Sister's Date!!! She doesn't know it yet, (well, she will by the time this is posted, but anyway) I'm bringing Ice cream and caramel sauce! I'm the best sister/babysitter ever!!! (You didn't bring me any ice cream or caramel sauce) (That's because I'm not babysitting you) (Good thing; I'd get you fired!... Wait a minute!... You're babysitting Jane???)

I hope your days have been as sweet a ours! Au revior, till we meet again!  Yes, till we meet again, 🎜 So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye 🎝


  1. Thanks for the shoutout! I loved loved LOVED the time we got to spend together and especially that late night chat. Wish we could have had longer! Next time, it will be with big sister Jane, too! Love you both!

    1. You are most welcome, my dear friend! Yes, Jane has to be there next time, and I so so wish our wonderful visit could have been longer! I had such a wonderful time visiting with you! Love you too! Tell the boys congrats on their baseball victories!

    2. We loved our time spent as well, and we can't wait to see you again! Yes, much longer next time, like a whole week!

  2. Haha, my sis and I have great debates about Phantom of the Opera too! I'm firmly Team Raoul and she's Phantom all the way...

    And I must say, I like both the movie and the 25th anniversary version!

    Awesome post, girls!


    1. To Catherine (from Katherine) :)

      Thank you so much for your comment, and I am glad to hear there is another firm member of Team Raul! Hip Hip Hooray! We must stand together! Grace and I just attended a Phantom of the Opera performance near us that was great! But we are waiting for Hadley Frasier to redeem Raul for us when we watch the 25th, as we didn't care for the Raul we saw.
