Friday, January 8, 2021

It's Grace's Birthday!

Hey, Everybody!  Guess what?


This year, my dear sister, Grace is turning two and twenty!  

(excuse me while I go cry in the corner)...

So in honor of this festive occasion, our family and friends collectively put together a list of 22 words that describe Grace! 

Are you ready? 

 Ok....let's do the countdown!  

But first....

22. Grace is Capable

21. Grace is Funny

20.  Grace is Beautiful

19. Grace is a Hustler

18. Grace is Understanding

17. Grace is Tenacious

16. Grace is Smart

15. Grace is Helpful

14. Grace is Curious

13. Grace Sees a Job that Needs 

to be Done and Does it

12. Grace is Dependable

11. Grace is an Avid Reader

10. Grace is Perceptive

9. Grace is Knowledgeable on Many Topics

8. Grace is a Hard Worker

7.  Grace is Literary

6. Grace is Vivacious

5. Grace is Adventure Seeking

4. Grace is Independent

3. Grace is Kind

2. Grace is Fun

1. Grace is Gracious

And, we arrive at the end!

Blessings on the new year ahead of you, Grace!  We all love you so much and are so glad we have you beside us for Life's Ride! 

Happy Birthday!


Your Loving Family & Friends
