Monday, July 29, 2019

Anne Of Green Gables *The Musical* Soundtrack Review

     Hello, Kindred Spirits one and all. Originally this post was going to be a review of the play, but I've never seen it and couldn't find a recording on YouTube. So instead of scrapping the idea, here is a review of the soundtrack which was just as much fun to write. Actually it was better since my imagination filled in the blanks. I hope you enjoy it!

First things first: Anne of Green Gables the Musical is ,of course, based off of the book, Anne of Green Gables by L.M Montgomery. The play's book is by Don Harron, the music by Norman Campbell and the lyrics by Don Harron, Norman Campbell, Elaine Campbell, and Mavor Moore. Since the play has been performed every year since 1965, it is Canada's longest running musical and in 2014 was written up in the Guinness World Record as the longest running annual musical theater production in the world. A note if you intend to look this up for yourselves, there are a couple of different plays including 'Anne and Gilbert' (2005), Anne of Green Gables: A New Musical' (2006) and another called 'Anne of Green Gables:A New Folk Rock'(2018).

First Impressions
The cover art gives the impression that this could be either really good... or really bad... but never judge a book by it's cover or in this case a soundtrack by it's cover art.

There are some VERY funny songs here!!! Lyrics such as...

I’m the Lady Cordelia de Montmorency,
Abducted by gypsies when I was three.




My name is Anne Shirley. Anne with an "e"

Mrs. Blewitt:

That's better; just the facts
tell her where you were born and who your folks were


I was born in a palace in Old Vienna,
Danubian Waltzes my lullabies. 
And my father was Johann, with great moustaches,
My mother Maria, with emerald eyes.

 The atmosphere of the books, of a quaint town with kindred spirits and old gossips definitely comes across. You can really feel everyone's energy come through the speakers. 

I was disappointed in Gilbert and Katherine thoroughly disproves of the portrayal of Anne; who did come off a bit over the top ridiculous... and her voice could be kinda annoying and very un-Anne at times which is frustrating. In the first song they kinda made fun of the mission ladies which was funny, but still *ahem* a bit to much.

Favorite Songs
The Facts


Did You Hear?

Open The Window

General Store

I tried to listen to this soundtrack as if I knew nothing about our dear friend Anne and her adventures. If you, too, know nothing of Anne of Green Gables (you poor thing), then this is a fun starting place. On the other hand, if you have had a long relationship with Anne through the books and the movies that has matured with you over the years, then you may be as disappointed as Katherine was. 
Still, this is a very sweet musical, a good adaptation, one I would listen to again and if I had the opportunity, would go and see performed. I hope you shall give this play/soundtrack a chance and tell me all about what you think in the comments. Have any of you ever seen the play? How was it?
~Yours Grace Avender~


  1. My sister doesn't like this musical either, but I do like some of the songs and just the fact that Anne has her very own musical!! :D. I would love to see it someday and even better, I'd love to play Anne on the stage. <3. I love love LOVE the images with this post, by the way! <3. Thanks for sharing!! :D <3

    1. Ooh, playing Anne on the stage would be fun! Yay, your sister agrees with me! :) But, I really think Anne as a play/musical would be great, but maybe not this particular version for me personally. Thanks for commenting, Sarah!
