Well, we hate to do this to ya'll,
but the end of The Fortnight of Song blog party has arrived!
Alas, alack we are undone!
But we must pull ourselves together

and finish up albeit with much weeping...
Ahem, our first order of business is to present the answers to our "Make Me A Match" Game.
They are as follows:
D. The Sound of Music
2. People
A. Funny Girl
J. My Fair Lady
C. She Loves Me
5. You and I
F. Meet Me in St. Louis
I. Calamity Jane
7. Sincere
G. The Music Man
8. Stars
E. Les Miserables
B. Little Women
H. The King and I
And there we go!!
Ok, next up, we have the link-up list of all the posts that have been completed so far. If you don't see your post on this list, do let us know and we will include it post haste!
from Ivy Miranda
from Movie Critic and her sisters, Fiona & Em
From Movie Critic and her sisters, Fiona and Em
And finally, we reach the last hurrah! We are infinitely grateful for the kind comments and participation you gave us during this past fortnight! We're so thrilled to have had this opportunity to share our love of musicals and singing with you and to have found fellow "sisters in (musical) arms"!
Oh, wait, maybe there is...
- The Encore -
If you, like us, are still in the musical mood and just "Can't Stop Singing"
then we hope you will enjoy these playlists we've each put together as a little extra bonus!
Ok, goodbye for real now!