What ho and forsooth! We have been nominated for the Shakespeare Tag by Pioneer Girl! We do profusely apologize for our tardiness in posting this, but life has been a bit crazy! Full disclaimer, we are not very big Shakespeare fans, having only read one or two plays for literature class.
The Rules:
1. Answer truthfully, "Thou canst not then be false to any man." {I just put that as a rule because I wanted to use the quote. hee hee!}
2. Tag at least three people and let them know that they've been tagged. "For he today who does this tag with me shall be my brother..."
3.Link back to the person who tagged you and post a link to your post in the comments, because I want to read your answers and "There never was yet philosopher who could endure the toothache patiently."
Grace's Answers
1. What was the first exposure you ever had to Shakespeare?
I think it was the movie version of Taming of the Shrew staring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. My oldest sister brought it home one day and was horrified by it while I thought it was hilarious!
2. How many of Shakespeare's plays have you seen?
Sadly none in full length aside from Taming of the Shrew, but I have seen snippits of Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet.
3. What is your favorite Shakespeare play?
So I have read Julius Caesar and Hamlet and seen Taming of the Shrew, so out of those I think I liked Hamlet best.
4. What is your favorite non-Shakespearean play? {musicals are permissible}
OH NO YOU DIDN'T ASK ME TO CHOOSE!!!!!! I don't have one favorite, but currently I am very invested in Titanic (which has nothing to do with the movie that shares it's title) and I am always up to watch Les Miserables.
5. What is an adaptation of one of Shakespeare's plays that you like? Why?
I haven't seen enough to have a favorite.
6. Who is your favorite Shakespearean character?
Currently, it is Horatio from Hamlet.
7. What is your favorite Shakespeare quote?
I have several!
8. If you were in a Shakespearean production which play would you want to be in and which character?
I think it would be such fun to play Katherina in The Taming of the Shrew, but I'd be happy to be anyone... I think!
9. Have you read any of Shakespeare's sonnets, and if so, which is your favorite?
I'm sure I have, but I can't recall them at this time.
10. Have you ever written/tried to write a play?
Yes, actually. Katherine and I have completed one (which is known to us as "The Play" since we can't decide on a title!) and we are currently writing another and have 5 or 6 more in the works.
11. Cast one of the big five {Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Richard III, or Much Ado About Nothing} with modern actors from either the stage or the screen.
{you only have to do main characters.}
Yikes! Hamlet is freshest in my mind, so I shall attempt a tackle at it! I'm going to pick people that I think could do a good job and not if they've acted in anything like Shakespeare!
Hamlet- Sebastian Stan
Ophelia- Shailene Woodley
Gertrude- Julie Andrews
Claudius- John Rhys-Davies
Laertes- William Moseley
Horatio- Harry Richardson
Katherine's Answers
1. What was the first exposure you ever had to Shakespeare?
Probably, all the references to Romeo & Juliet. I've never actually read or seen the play, but it's funny how the general public "knows" the story because of it's wide spread of popularity!
2. How many of Shakespeare's plays have you seen?
(Oh, boy - you're going to wish you never nominated me, !) I confess, I've only seen one, and that one is.......drum roll, please.....
I've also read Julius Caesar in school.
The fatal lines will forever stick with me, 'Et tu Brute??' I've also listened to some songs from "Kiss Me Kate", and watched a teeny bit of an adaption of "Romeo & Juliet".
3. What is your favorite Shakespeare play?
Hmmm, between the ones I've read/seen I'd say, "Taming of the Shrew". Though not my favorite movie, it was quite funny to watch and yes, you got me - Grace and I do quote from it occasionally!
'Will you, nil you, I will marry....you'!
4. What is your favorite non-Shakespearean play? {musicals are permissible} ??
Oh, I love so many!! Sound of Music, Newsies, She Loves Me.......oh, yeah they all happen to be musicals!!
5. What is an adaptation of one of Shakespeare's plays that you like?
I don't know if this falls under the adaption category, but I really like the movie "Pizza My Heart", which has a Romeo & Juliet story line.
Why? Well, for one the feuding families are so hilarious!

(I'm sorry the Gifs aren't good quality, but you just had to see them anyway!)
As the "Montague" and the "Capulet" families each run competitive pizzerias, this movie NEEDS pizza to accompany your viewing of it!.....Otherwise, you might just be kicking yourself once you see those delectable, cheesy pies come out of the oven!! Gina (Juliet) and Joe's (Romeo) relationship is very sweet and winning and the supporting character's romance is also sooooo very cute! Such a good movie!
6. Who is your favorite Shakespearean character?
I think I'll go with Hortensio from "Taming of the Shrew". (He's the one with the tam o'shanter on his head below)
7. What is your favorite Shakespeare quote?
I love that quote!!
8. If you were in a Shakespearean production which play would you want to be in and which character?
Hmmmm.....Katharina (in the "Shrew") would be fun, though challenging. Bianca could also be an option, though she's a little dull! (Sorry, Bianca) Ooh, I know!! I could be the Widow Hortensio marries!
Hee Hee!!
9. Have you read any of Shakespeare's sonnets, and if so, which is your favorite?
I don't think I've read any.
10. Have you ever written/tried to write a play?
Yes, Grace and I have written a play and have plans for more!
11. Cast one of the big five {Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Richard III, or Much Ado About Nothing} with modern actors from either the stage or the screen.
{you only have to do main characters.}
Oh, boy, I'm going to go with.....
~ Romeo & Juliet ~
(I will only cast the basic, basic characters since I'm delving into relatively unfamiliar waters here)
~ Romeo & Juliet ~
~ Juliet's Nurse ~
~ Friar Laurence ~
Ok, Shakespeareans, how'd I do? Did I ruin these characters completely with my actor/actresses choices??
Our Nominations:
We nominate
- Sarah @His Voice Is Sweet
- Catherine @The Rebelling Muse
Are you all big Shakespeare fans? Which is your favorite play? Who would you cast as your favorite characters? Do tell us all about it in the comments down below!
Katherine and Grace