Hello, everyone! I've fallen down on the job with keeping up with my "Cake Castle" posts - (a series of posts I write whenever I delve into a cake decorating project!) Let me share with you my latest "doings"
For my nephew, Little Bee's 2nd birthday, we decided to go with an "Old MacDonald" theme after I saw an irresistible Old MacDonald cake with adorable fondant animals on top! We procured a box of Wilton fondant at Wal-Mart and I went to work!
Here's how it turned out:
Also recently I revisited the beloved Cream Tart! I love making these cakes- not only do they allow for so much creativity in decorating, but the taste is rich and wonderful! This particular tart was for a good friend's birthday who we hosted a party for. We decided to make the tart spell the nickname "BFF"- Best Friend Forever! I think I got a little carried away with my flowers though, so you can just barely make it out! :)
Here is a video so you can get a nice close up!
(Just pardon all the clanging in the background -
we were all working in the kitchen at the time I took the video)
Don't you want a piece now??
After I made the birthday tart, I still had tart dough leftover and Mamma decided we needed to make sure we indeed had enough dessert for everyone. So, what did she suggest? Mini tarts!
Ain't they purty??
Well, that's that! Hopefully, you all have now been inspired to go dust off your piping bag and decorating tips and stalk down some lovely cake tutorials on Pinterest!
So, have you had any fun by way of the culinary arts as of late? If you ever bake or decorate anything in the kitchen, be sure to comment and share your pictures with us! (We will only slightly glare at you for not sharing your delectable sweets with us!)
Here are the links to the recipes/tutorials I used to make the above cakes: