Sunday, April 15, 2018

     Mamma, and us girls usually plan the menu for the week's meals at the beginning of the week, and then cook the bulk of them on Monday and Tuesday.   So today, you guessed it - we cooked!  We thought it might be fun to do a weekly post on what's cooking at Green Gables, so here is the first one.  It is a bit discombobulated since we've tried to get this out for two weeks, so there will be some dishes from last week and this week.   If you see anything you'd like to try, then just leave a comment below asking for the recipe, and we will be glad to share it with you!  But, I will be honest....some are like family favorites, and we will have to INSIST you try them!  :)

I got these cookbooks from the library and wanted to choose recipes for the week from them, but did we?  No, of course not!  Alas....

Here is what we did make:

Almond Flour Cinnamon Coffee Cake

Eggplant Parmesan minus the Parmesan (Sorry, you just got the slicing picture)

Chocolate Cake

Tomato Quiche (we double out recipes and put it into 9x13 pans)

And of course when you cook, you make tons of
dishes...maybe we should just stop eating?

We also made Mexican Stuffed Butternut Squash... and forgot to take a picture, but LET ME TELL YOU - it is GOOD!!  If you don't ask for this recipe, you will be missing out on the chance of a food that is!  :)

When Grace and I get cooking in the kitchen, you can pretty much count on there being music serenading us whilst we work.  Anastasia, Phantom of the Opera, Tango Music (yes, I said Tango Music), The Pirate Queen , etc.  And then there are the moments when we burst into dance... we attempt to make kitchen duties a fun, dramatic experience whenever possible :)

Pray tell us if you like to cook, and what your habits are in the kitchen!  :)

Till we meet again,
Katherine & Grace  

P.S. The French phrase in the header means menu of the week!  :) 
P.P.S We are going to attempt to make this a regular post that will come out each Wednesday!
P.P.P.S Also, we just wanted to mention that the above soundtracks do have some content that Grace and I have chosen to overlook, mute or skip, while enjoying the rest, as the good outweighs the bad.