Monday, February 7, 2022

We have something to tell you...

Ok... the time has come. We have something to tell you all. 

For quite awhile now we have been thinking a lot about the future of this blog and....we have decided upon a course of action.

We have decided to bid Blogger "Adeiu"...

And say "Bonjour Enchante" to WORDPRESS!!

Yes, we have decided to move our blog over to Wordpress!. While we have enjoyed our time here at Blogger, we have decided a change is in order and we are very excited for what is to come!

We are so thankful to YOU for following our adventures here; without YOU, we wouldn't have had a blog! Your kind words, and participation have meant the world to us! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!  

And now without further ado, it gives us great pleasure to show you our new home here!

All our love, Katherine and Grace


  1. You two really had me scared for a second!!!

  2. Oh my!! I was going to strongly protest if you were leaving blogging for good!! Haha! Thank you ever so much for the beauty you bring to the world here. I'm so excited for your new endeavor! Best of luck and I can't wait to see what you do next!
    God love you!

    1. Oh you are too sweet! We couldn't leave for good! Can't wait to see you on Wordpress!

  3. YOU GUYS. WHY WOULD YOU PULL SOMETHING LIKE THIS. I hope you enjoy Wordpress, m'dears! I'll look forward to reading your lovely posts over there.

  4. Ah yes. I sighed in relief when I realized you weren't quitting, just moving. It's been rather difficult for me to find "Kindred Spirit" blogs that are still in working order and I was understandably very excited when I discovered this one just recently. 😛 Looking forward to reading all your delightful (I'm sure they will be delightful...) posts on Word Press!!
