Monday, June 24, 2019

Leibster Award 2019

     Our dear friend Chalice, over at Lionhearted Art nominated us for the Leibster Award. She is an EXTREMELY talented artist, ya'll should really check her blog out Here!

The Rules

Acknowledge the blog who nominated you for this Award (see above)
Answer the 11 questions the blogger gave you
Give 11 random facts about yourself (Selves!)
Nominate 11 blogs
Give them 11 questions to answer

(Grace's answers are Underlined and Katherine's are in Italics)

Let's get to it!!

If you could have a mural painted in your room what would it be of?

I'm not sure... the family was actually talking about this recently, we have a big cement retaining wall behind our house and Papa wants to paint a Mural on it, but we cannot decide what. It's so permanent, you need to REALLY like the picture or subject. I saw this picture on Pinterest and I don't know if it will qualify as a mural, but it's really pretty.

I never really thought about having a mural painted on my bedroom wall, so I'm at a loss for an answer!  However, Grace and I searched on Pinterest for ideas and I really like the 3D ones!  I probably wouldn't pick the one below, but isn't it SOOO cool looking? 

What is a Bible verse that stood out to you and inspired/encouraged you lately?

I don't have just one verse, but Isaiah 40:12-31... or basically all of chapter 40, has really spoken to me of the greatness of our God. He is so Mighty and Awesome and Worthy of our praise!

Psalm 127: 3-5
Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one's youth. Blessed is the man who's quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.

What is your favorite color and why?

Green, particularly deep forest green. My Nana's favorite color was also green and she said it must be God's favorite color too since he made so much with it!

I don't have one favorite, but I like blue, raspberry pink and red.

What is a book that changed your life?

I can't think of one single book that has changed my life... except the Bible.

The Fences Between Us by Kirby Larson.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

I wish talking to people came more easily.

I wish I was naturally self-motivated

What is your favorite thing to do on rainy days?

If there is nothing I have to do... which is rare... I would acquire a never ending supply of Earl Grey tea and read books and listen to music.

There's something about a rainy day that just makes me 
want to bake: bread, cookies, muffins - you name it!

What would you do with a million dollars?

Travel or build an awesome house!

#1 Travel to Europe
#2 Go and see a BUNCH of  theatrical plays!

What fictional character do you relate the most to?

 I have no idea... my brother Sherlock, says Janet King from Road to Avonlea... I don't see it... at all!!!

We have two opinions... Mamma says I'm most like Anne of Green Gables and Sherlock says Dory!  (I wonder if the latter is a positive or negative correlation?)

What person in history inspired you recently?
Sophie Scholl

I can't think of one

What's the cutest thing you've ever seen?

There are several...

My Nephew

If you could have the answer to any question what would the question be?

Why is it easier to be yourself around strangers instead of the people who really care about you?

Why don't they film all Broadway Musicals?

11 Random Facts (About each other)

Katherine (Written by Grace)
Katherine has red hair and blue eyes
Katherine loves to sing... especially harmonizing...and dance!
She once had a story published in a local newsletter
The two of us can speak movie quotes to each other and get it... most of the time!
She LOVES to bake elaborate cakes and delectable delights!
Katherine is a champion of proper speech
Her middle name is named after her Great Great Grandmother
She has disposed of two snakes this week!
She loves roses
She likes Hallmark movies
She'd rather have ice cream over cake.

Grace (Written by Katherine)
Grace can be very unpredictable sometimes
One of her favorite movies is Testament of Youth
She loves to dance
She devours books within days
She knows how to get things done
She has taken it upon herself to be the official Clicker of the family i.e the holder of the remotes
She has a love/hate relationship with Hallmark
She had a childhood stuffed animal called Jack
She has become the "DJ" of the house
One of her favorite poems is "Be like the bird" by Victor Hugo
She likes to buy records at thrift stores.

11 Questions 

#1 If you could time travel to any time period which would you choose and why?

#2 Have you ever cried whilst reading a book? Which book?

#3 What is your favorite word currently?

#4 If reality was not in your way, where and what would you be?

#5 What is something you are thankful to God for this week?

#6 Cats or Dogs?

#7 If you could swap places with anyone from a book/movie/real life who would it be?

#8 Do you sing in the shower (be honest)?

#9 What book do you wish would be made into a movie/TV series? Dream Cast?

#10 What's the best piece of advice you've been given?

#11 What is your favorite food?


We nominate all our blogging followers!

🎝 Adieu!  Adieu!  To you, and you, and you-oo! 🎝

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading all your answers!! And the questions you asked are great. It makes me want to do it again! XD
