Sunday, November 4, 2018

Another Period Drama Tag!

Good evening ladies... and gents if there're are any of you out there *Peers into the darkness* Dearest of dear Catherines, Catherine from 'The Rebelling Muse' has graciously tagged me, Grace Avender, for this tag... and I am ever so happy!!!! So without further ado, here we go!

The Rules
1. Answer the questions
2. Link back to the person who tagged you (Catherine)
3. Tag at least one blogger at the end

The Questions

1. What was the most recent period drama you watched? Share what you thought of it.
    The Finest Hours. Second time around and it's still awesome as ever!!!

2.Do you generally prefer period dramas in the form of a movie or a TV/ mini series? Why?
It doesn't really matter, but a TV series does go on longer, which spreads out the fun!

3.What is your favorite musical period drama? 
    Either Newsies or Bandstand!


4. Read the book first or watch the movie first?
 I would say read the book first, but confess I have never done it meself! I have never been one of those who is so partial to the books, except for The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Anne of Green Gables series. The movies DID NOT live up to the books and it is a TRAVESTY!!!!!!

5. What is the most valuable lesson you learned from a period drama? I don't know. This is a hard one, there are so many dramas to think through! I guess don't judge a person by their first impression... they could be your future husband!

6. Which period drama hero would you be most likely to fall in love with in real life?
    Probably this guy:

I'm a sucker for Robin Hood!

7. Do you ever like to binge-watch a period drama series?
 I would love to, but rarely do; though sometimes we have cutting parties when we have a lot of           produce from the garden to process, and we put on something to distract us from the drudgery of every day life!

8. What things go best with a period drama?
A cozy blanket and a sister to share the best moments with! We have this thing when there's 'a moment', we pat/tap/slap each other to let them know (even though they already know!)

9. Which period drama would you fit into best?
I am having trouble thinking of non- musicals! Off the top of my head, I'd say 'Larkrise To Candleford', but maybe Road to Avonlea... I'm not sure!

10. If you could have any period drama character for a best friend who would it be? And why? I honestly have no idea... Maid Marion?... ,maybe Demelza, so I could slap some sense into her! 

11. Show us a picture of a period drama costume you wish you could wear in real life.
     It's a toss up between this one:

and this one:

Vastly different I know, but hey, there're both so pretty!

12. Are there any period dramas you like to watch during a particular season/holiday?
      Not that I can think of.

13. Which period drama has your favorite soundtrack?
      Oh dear! I don't have a whole favorite soundtrack, I like a few songs from each, but if Pirates of the Caribbean counts than I'd say that one.

14. Dream cast your actors and actresses into a period drama of your choosing: tell which parts they would play and why *** deceased actors do count!
I don't know if this is supposed to be a pre-existing drama or not, but I'd LOVE to see 'The Witch of Blackbird Pond' as a movie. Casting though... hmmm let me see...

Kit would be Elanor Tomlinson

Judith: Jessica Brown Findlay

Mercy: Ellise Chappell

John Holbrook: Kyle Soller

William Ashby: Robert Lenzi

Prudence Cruff: Bailee Madison

And the ever beloved Nat: James Murray

15. Are there any period dramas you like more than one version of? Not really, I've watched different versions of Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Persuasion, and The Scarlet Pimpernel, but I like our version the best! The only exception, is while our favorite Pride and Prejudice is the 1995 version, I like certain parts of the 2005 version, such as Mr. Darcy showing more emotion.

16. What are your top three period dramas on your to-watch list? Dunkirk, BBC Robin Hood and the new Mary Poppins.

17. Show a picture of your favorite period drama hairstyle?
      I know it's the same picture as above, but I just love it so much!

18. What was your favorite wedding in a period drama? Well I could be very depressing and say Robin and Marion's wedding (BBC version)

 so instead I'll say either Anne and Gilbert Blythes wedding, 

or that of Maria and Captain Von Trapp!

19. What is your favorite biographical period drama? Miss Potter.

20. Which historical novel will you forever recommend to anyone and everyone?
      Wings of Dawn by Sigmund Brouwer.  My absolute favorite book out there... so far!

I tag: Hamlette @ Hamlette's Soliloquy

Well this has been very fun and thought provoking! Ta ta for now and we'll talk again soon!